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The Kingdom Hearts Otaku

KH3D Who has actually survived all this time with out being spoiled about the game.

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I watched the translated cutscenes, but ive only watched Traverse Town gameplay. So it's still going to be an awesome experience. I'm a little ashamed, but then I got over it because I'll still get to play the game.

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I only spoiled myself with some of Traverse Town from playing the demo and the trailers if that counts. Playing the past installments and some other games have kept me occupied.

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I watched(i read and watched,for be true) a lot of spoilers.... :( I'M WEEEEEEEEEEEAK,if someone don't have watched anything,you will have my respect.


Show me your respect then...


HOW IS THT HUMANLY POSSIBLE?!?! lol, i lurv spoilers, i watched the entire walkthrough (in japanese) and read everything i could xD

As I said, i actually look for spoilers because i like knowing whats going to happen.


Its humanly possible because i didnt spoil myself

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I didn't spoiled myself with the story/worlds at all. The only thing I saw are screenshots and some trailers. Thankfully I didn't spoiled myself and so I am enjoying the game a lot!

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I managed to last without looking at spoilers. The only thing I spoiled (I guess) was the identity of the unknown character from BBS, but its not a huge spoiler since its pretty much revealed in the first world.

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I'm so happy to say I knew completely nothing about the game (story-wise) before playing it. Obviously apart from it being the Mark of Mastery. What I've done before is watch previews and gameplay videos of games I'm really looking forward to, to a point where I know most of what's going to happen and it ruins the experiences for me. So what I do now is stay away from anything to do with it before release. The results is a much better experience imo. :)

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