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The Kingdom Hearts Otaku

KH3D Who has actually survived all this time with out being spoiled about the game.

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If you've actually haven't been spoiled yet then congrats you are a master at avoiding it, and controlling your curiosity.

I have had terribly luck with it, coming across spoilers by accident, and the fact that I'm curiosity got the better of me and I saw an LP of the first world. So whats your Story?

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I watched(i read and watched,for be true) a lot of spoilers.... :( I'M WEEEEEEEEEEEAK,if someone don't have watched anything,you will have my respect.

Edited by Roxas_Wagner

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Well my story was was when i was listening to some kingdom hearts music then someone spoiled me by saying whos going to be the keyblade master in kh DDD.


Then i could it helped me self by looking up gameplays and walkthrough so ya i spoiled my self :wacko:

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I Try not to spoil the story, but everything else i pretty much know ;o;


Same here i didn't knowing about the little stuff cause thats not going to do that much but I was spoiled about many things in the main game (helping tip if you want to continue not spoiling about the story avoid wikia bios on characters)


HOW IS THT HUMANLY POSSIBLE?!?! lol, i lurv spoilers, i watched the entire walkthrough (in japanese) and read everything i could xD

As I said, i actually look for spoilers because i like knowing whats going to happen.


But doesn't feel like it's taking away from the surprise of seeing it for the first time when you get the game?

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Same here i didn't knowing about the little stuff cause thats not going to do that much but I was spoiled about many things in the main game (helping tip if you want to continue not spoiling about the story avoid wikia bios on characters)


But doesn't feel like it's taking away from the surprise of seeing it for the first time when you get the game?



Actually it makes me feel like "BOOM, I KNEW THAT WAS GONNA HAPPEN! CANT OUTSMART ME!!" plus i enjoy spoiling my friends on different mangas' xD

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Well my story was was when i was listening to some kingdom hearts music then someone spoiled me by saying whos going to be the keyblade master in kh DDD.


Then i could it helped me self by looking up gameplays and walkthrough so ya i spoiled my self :wacko:


OMG that was spoiled for me to I felt like to whole DDD experience was ruined for me when I saw that...but then I got over it :)


Actually it makes me feel like "BOOM, I KNEW THAT WAS GONNA HAPPEN! CANT OUTSMART ME!!" plus i enjoy spoiling my friends on different mangas' xD


thats always fun to. :) my friends do it to me all the time



I'm weak.



It's okay so am I

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Only saw screenshots that were released and trailer/game demo. I never watched the gameplay/cutscenes. So I'm good :)


you dont have to be so pompous about it.

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