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Zelda vs. Final Fantasy: Which has the better music?

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The title is pretty self explanitory here. Which game series seems to have the better music?


I'm going to have to go with Zelda here. While Final Fantasy has a good many songs that I love, the music in Zelda always seems to embelish the game as a whole. It always sets the right atmosphere and tone, accenting the feeling of the dungeon or world you find yourself in. It just always seem to increase the overall experience of the game.

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That's a tough one.

It might be biased, but for me, it's Zelda

I've been playing it for a loooooong time, k

Whenever I hear Zelda music, I literally get shivers


But then again Koji Kondo (the composer of MOST Zelda music) DID compose "Dancing Mad," (Kefka's original boss theme) perhaps one of the greatest video game tracks of all time...


So uh

Maybe they're equal

Edited by Miku Hatsune

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You dont go against Yoko.


Yoko never did a Final Fantasy. She's DOING Versus, but that'snot out yet.


For me... Final Fantasy showed me how bland Zelda music is. I'd take Final Fantasy VI's Decisive Battle over any Zelda Boss theme

I mean, they both have great music... but Final Fantasy is on an entirely different level.

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For me, it's Final Fantasy. But that could be because I have a more emotional connection to the games and that helps me notice the beautiful music more. With Zelda, it's rare that the music becomes anything but background noise. Fitting background noise, but still, I don't often listen to a Zelda song outside the game unless it's this one:


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I honestly like both pretty equally.


Final fantasy is really good with those complex themes that give depth to what they represent. It's music can paint a picture for you, give you color and emotion with the sounds. It's music is very literal in what it is trying to tell you, and is very beautiful to listen to.


Music from The Legend of Zelda is a little more simple, but not any less striking in its straightforward feel. Its music is also very fun in an interactive sort of way. I love how a lot of it will go along with what you are doing, with sound effects that match the background tune. The marketplace theme in the new Skyward Sword is an excellent example of this, and amused me to no end. Most of all, Zelda has always struck me as a very musical video game. It is an important part of the actual plot in most of the games, so it really attaches itself to moments in that timeless sort of way.

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