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Lu Xun

Do you think it's possible that the HD collection of previous games can be announced in the next year or so?

Do you think it's possible that the HD collection of previous games can be announced in the next year or so?  

202 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think it's possible that the HD collection of previous games can be announced in the next year or so?

    • Yes! I am hoping that it happens!
    • Yep.. It's possible, but very unlikely to happen...
    • Maybe.. But I'd be happy if it happened!
    • No! That possibility is gone for good..,
    • I'd actually prefer to see a new game coming out than that HD collection..
    • Another option? Tell us below!

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Do you think it's possible that the HD collection of previous games can be announced in the next year or so?


Well although I think it's hard to happen, I'd be very happy, of course!


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Watch, Trollmura will make an HD remake of 1 old game per year to stall for KH3 lol


A part of me just died inside reading that.


I would like an hd remake, but I think new games would take priority; I don't know the full process of remaking a game for hd and how much they'd need to redo exactly for kingdom hearts games, but...it might be more than anyone feels like doing compared to making the next game in the series. It's different for a series like Kingdom Hearts, where its all continuous, as opposed to say remaking Final Fantasy VII, but...I think the focus will be either expanding the story or moving it forward.


Unless, they add extra things...like perhaps Riku's or Mickey's story in KH1 and kh2...and Aqua's story as an addition to that like CoM was to KH2FM...hmm...

probably not :P

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tutti frutti. I wouldn't mind getting a KH HD collection as the the Final Mix/ Re: versions of the games. And though I see it as a possibility, I'm not really holding my breath until we see it for ourselves. The extra content in the Final Mixes should help tide us over for a bit towards KH3.

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It's going to be a while until someone does something cool like that. I really hate it when gamers hope and dream for stuff that never ends up happening. For example: Andross playable in Super Smash Bros. (in his humanoid form.) THAT would make an epic story mode. Ganondorf, Andross, and Bowser could each steal a piece of the Triforce and take over the universe and everyone has to stop them or something.


But I digress... one can hope and dream haha. But if they do make HD Kingdom Hearts collection, it needs to have at least I, II, and BBS in English dubbed and translated Final Mixes, and Re:COM. Oh, and split-screen 358/2 Days multiplayer would be cool :) And they need to include it on a Nintendo system so I can actually get to own it :)

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Don't say that! I don't know why people hate Xbox 360,i just...don't know.


PS: I don't have a PS3,just a xbox 360


The fanbase, with "PS3 haz no gaemz".


Not that KH is likely to come to X-box, but X-box is FAR from popular in Japan, and in case you hadn't noticed, the directors of Kingdom Hearts cater to the Japanese far more than they do to the Americans or Europeans. Also, the engine being used for KH3 is the Crystal Tools engine, which is being used for FF VS XIII, a PS3 exclusive.


But what confounds me, is this: Why would any Kingdom Hearts fan, knowing that the numbered games have been on Playstation, get an X-box 360? I can only see the answer being "as a gift".

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Whoops, I kinda said my last post wrong, I meant to say that "I hate it when the dreams of gamers never come true." Instead it sounds like I'm hating on dreamer gamers haha xD


(I'm posting this because it won't let me edit my last post on mobile using 3DS)

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The fanbase, with "PS3 haz no gaemz".


Not that KH is likely to come to X-box, but X-box is FAR from popular in Japan, and in case you hadn't noticed, the directors of Kingdom Hearts cater to the Japanese far more than they do to the Americans or Europeans. Also, the engine being used for KH3 is the Crystal Tools engine, which is being used for FF VS XIII, a PS3 exclusive.


But what confounds me, is this: Why would any Kingdom Hearts fan, knowing that the numbered games have been on Playstation, get an X-box 360? I can only see the answer being "as a gift".


Well to be fair, I got my xbox for halo, and soon there will have been 3 halo games released for it. And so far it looks like I made the right choice compared to how many Kingdom Hearts games there are on PS3

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If they did, they should redo 358/2 days first, it had the best story, but possibly the worst graphics.

not fitting for such a good game ;) so they should remake it on 3DS.

Perhaps adding new and different missions (and a world perhaps) for the days we did nothing, and then make the unimportant days we could advance go away.


now THAT is my dream., haha

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