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A Kingdom of Hearts- The Keyblade War RP

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Raynd smiled, "and glad to be!". Raynd looked over his right shoulder at the door. "Ill go see what's going on out in the courtyard, your welcome to join me. We weren't called here for no reason."

Raynd left towards the courtyard content with finding a student to teach his ways to, but more happy with finding someone he can talk to.

Raynd reached the courtyard and even more masters and students were there. 'Seems like somethings about to go down.' He thought to himself.

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"Keep an eye out for him, Juno, I'd like to meet him, I hope he won't be too long."


Saez then walked a ways over to a podium, and stood up. He cleared his throat. At the very least, public speaking wasn't one of his weak points.


"Attention!" The sound of his voice resounded throughout the courtyard. Much of the talking quieted down and he began.


"I'm glad you all could come! It's an honor to host you all here, and I hope you enjoy your accommodations and have met other interesting keyblade wielders and continue to do so."


Saez paused. There was no going back.


"But the reason I've called you all is far less trivial than just a meet and greet. I won't deny that we've had recent... divisive issues. I've called you all here to discuss possible for resolving such issues. I'd now like to ask all keyblade masters into the throne room. We have a bit of talking to do." He turned to the students he had met earlier.


"But, of course, I wouldn't want to leave all the students and other wielders out here doing nothing, so I'm opening this courtyard a a sparing yard. Choose any partner you wish and fight as many times as you wish. Keep track of your victories, I'll want to know who was the best of all the students when the meeting adjourns. I wish all students luck, and try not to hurt each other too badly. Masters, please follow me."


Saez turned and began to walk towards the throne room. He was breathing heavily. He sincerely hoped the courtyard would be the only place where fighting occurred by the end of the day.


But some part of him doubted that, at this point, that was even possible.

Edited by MDSVeritas

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"Don't worry." Juno caught up with Saez. "If all goes well, perhaps these issues can be resolved now. And besides..." She trailed off, her gaze flickering a few times. "You were always good with this kind of thing. Speeches, and negotiations... things like that." She opened the doors to the throne room. "If anyone can fix this, I know you can." Juno averted her gaze, taking a seat near the throne. She adjusted her robes, letting the ribbons trail down to the floor along with her eyes.

Edited by AnsemTheWise

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Raynd followed Saez to the thrown room. He wondered to himself what issues they would be discussing. When they reached the thrown room Raynd stood up against a wall and waited for the other masters to enter and the meeting to start.

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Rexon: "A sparring competition huh? That sounds like fun!" 'But I'm going to search for a partner who is nice and doesn't want to kill me for no good reason! Rexon bows to Saez and Juno, walks off while saying: "It would be a pleasure to properly meet and talk with more masters."

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Name: Zanox


Rank: Unknown at the Moment


Affiliation: Neutral.


Bio:A Mysterious Figure who holds Dark and Light, neither more greater. He only knows his rank, which he eventually reveals to the one's heart who tops them all....


Appearance: Brown Coat and Hair. Hair is like Sora. Black Shoes.


Weapon/Keyblade: Lighted Darkness White Handle, Black Spikes, Black Tip, White KeyChain


Abilities:Power to use Graviga and Stop with Keyblade Nonstop until his Weakness is found.


Neon Blitz: Charges and unleashes coloured light from his KeyBlade


Heartless Strike: Zanox Raises his KeyBlade and Jots of Darkness Spread and Engulf the enemy.


Kingdom Hearts: A Giant Heart Appears over his Keyblade and Zanox Unleashes a An Nearly Impossible attack to dodge, only dodged by ones who have no Darkness in their hearts at all.


Weakness: One Light Character and One Dark Character Point their Keyblades at him.


Am i In?

Edited by SoraBlade

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(I'm sorry that I respond this late. My computer crashed and I had to re install everything...)


Nathan had woke up little bit late and then sighed. "Ah, I'm an idiot, can't believe I am late.." Nathan took his clothes on as quickly as possible and then literally stormed his way to courtyard. Nathan panted and thought: "Haah, I made it. Now I just gotta go to group so normally like I would have been there whole time.. I wonder what master is thinking, either she is worrying about me or then she is angry,...."


Nathan walked through the group of other students and didn't spend his time talking to them. "I'm sorry, I'm in hurry" Nathan answered to few people who wanted to talk to him. Nathan arrived in front of king and then bowed and said: "My biggest apologies that I'm late my king. My name is Nathan Walker and I am appereantice of keyblade master Juno Grace"

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Chase watched as the king and keyblade masters were leaving the courtyard.

''Sparring, wonder who'll be the first combatants?''

Chase said as he surveyed the courtyard.

''I wonder what the king and the keyblade masters are discussing?''

''They're Prabably trying to find a way to avoid the upcoming war thats brewing, what a pain if you ask me wars are inevitable no point in trying to dely it.'' Chase thought as he took a seat next to the inner wall of the courtyard resting his back against it.

Edited by VaxidXIV

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(@ dusk: bowing in front of the king would be hard since he and the rest of the masters, including Juno, went into the thrown room, leaving all the students in the courtyard to spar.)

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Anya smiled as she headed down to the courtyard. Sparring was definitely one of her strong points. "Now all I need is a partner." she murmured, looking out at all the other students. Just remember not to get cocky.

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Since Lamia was half forced to go to the court yard, she walked as slow as she could. When she arrived, she wield Eternal Breath. "What are we sopposed to do?" Lamia asked a bit forcefully.

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"Anya, be good while I'm in the meeting. Show 'em what you got and get some practiec in. I'll be back shortly." Lexia whispered to her sister/student and followed obidiently behind The King. Oh goody a meeting. She thought. Lexia looked around the masters following her into the throne room. These masters hold immense power. I worry about some of the students though. A student without a master could be absentmindedly lead to the darkness. I just hope they find some light in their hearts. Lexia thought looking back one more time at Anya and the other students before walking in to the musty throne room.

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Name: Zanox


Rank: Unknown at the Moment


Affiliation: Neutral.


Bio:A Mysterious Figure who holds Dark and Light, neither more greater. He only knows his rank, which he eventually reveals to the one's heart who tops them all....


Appearance: Brown Coat and Hair. Hair is like Sora. Black Shoes.


Weapon/Keyblade: Lighted Darkness White Handle, Black Spikes, Black Tip, White KeyChain


Abilities:Power to use Graviga and Stop with Keyblade Nonstop until his Weakness is found.


Neon Blitz: Charges and unleashes coloured light from his KeyBlade


Heartless Strike: Zanox Raises his KeyBlade and Jots of Darkness Spread and Engulf the enemy.


Kingdom Hearts: A Giant Heart Appears over his Keyblade and Zanox Unleashes a An Nearly Impossible attack to dodge, only dodged by ones who have no Darkness in their hearts at all.


Weakness: One Light Character and One Dark Character Point their Keyblades at him.


Am i In?


Accepted! You're good to join in, the one thing is make sure you don't overuse your character's Kingdom Hearts Ability, it seems quite powerful.

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Saez stood at the doorway to the throne room.


"Thanks Juno, I'm sure some good will come out of this."


Just then he was approached by a hurrying young keyblade wielder, who introduced himself as Juno's s apprentice.


"Nice to meet you Nathan. I was hoping you'd get here soon, and please, just call me Saez. If you haven't heard, sparring has just begun in the courtyard" Saez pointed out to where the students were all gathering. "If you want to test your skills, I'd head there, and find a partner to spar with, Juno and I are about to head into the throne room to talk with the other masters. It's a pleasure to meet you, Nathan, hopefully I'll see you soon."


Before he could say anything else, he saw all the masters gathering in the throne room. "Well, I should be getting in there."


He turned to Juno and began to walk in. "Well," he said "I guess it's time, let's go in."

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Axus lay on the side of the courtyard watching the keyblade wielders spar. He yawned out of boredom and wondered what Saez was talking about in the Throne Room.

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"Nathan, please join the other students in the courtyard. I will be with you shortly." Juno's orders were sharp yet gentle. She was relieved to see that her apprentice had joined her. Juno would never admit it, but she cared for her students more than anything, even her own safety. The fact that Nathan was so late was rather... unsettling, to say the least. He was her only apprentice at the moment, and as such she felt oddly more protective of him.


Hopefully, these meetings would put an end to any trouble that was beginning to brew. Juno hated the thought of Nathan or Saez being in danger, but the thought of Keyblade weilders turning against each other was what disturbed her the most.

Edited by AnsemTheWise

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Zanox leaped off a rooftop onto another roof. He looked down. "Huh. Other Students." He continued. Zanox leaped off and walked away.

"Last year...Ugh. My head hurts when i say it." Zanox found a place to sit at. "Now every students having the time of their life. But L-a-s-t-y-eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrr.....Oh. Oh man. Memories. Coming back." Zanox collapsed. He started Remembering what happened. "Zanox. Why would you do that?" "Dad, i didn't mean to!"

Zanox leaped to his feet. He didn't remember anything else. "Oh Boy. I'm gonna go pass out......." Zanox passed out.

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"As you wish, Master" Nathan said and raised up, turned around and then took his leave. "Looks like I still have laws in my attitude" Nathan thought and walked to courtyard.

Nathan sitted under one tree and looked around. "It is sure beautiful here" Nathan said and without noticing went on his own thoughts under the tree and didn't take any attention to others.


After some time Nathan saw some appereantices sparring and he thought: "What is the point? Little sparring won't show anything about one's power"

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Eugene looked around at the other students, and gave a little giggle and thought to himself, "All of them don't stand a chance against me, so what's the point of me sparring against them." Eugene then glanced over to the throne room while wondering what the king was telling them. No matter, Eugene would find out what happened in them as soon as one on them came out.

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The room was quiet by the time Saez reached his throne. That meant everyone was as nervous as he was.


He spotted Juno, and master Lexia, who he'd just met, and several masters that he'd known from different events throughout his rule. He didn't even know what stance they may take.


"The darkness is spreading." He began "I know many masters and students have already turned to it...." paused for a moment, "I know some of you have turned to it. And I know some of you may want us free from anyone who follows the darkness."


He placed his hands on the back of his throne and looked out sharply at the crowd.


"People talk of war. Some masters suggest we destroy all those who follow darkness, some say we try to live together, but I have seen myself what darkness has done. Three wielders in the past year have meddled in other worlds beside our own using darkness, they have harmed the inhabitants of such worlds and warped the original landscape. Some use it for good reasons, others for bad. But with results like these, I'm not so sure any more."


"But we need to do something! Because soon all the worlds will be involved in our struggle. We can't let it go on, so my question to you masters, is what do we do about it? If we have any chance of solving this, we must do it now... if not, the way we've lived as keyblade wielders for decades could be lost."

Edited by MDSVeritas

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Chase watched as the other students paced restlessly threw the courtyard then Chase sensed a powerful dark aura coming from a guy who was sitting by himself at the far edge of the courtyard.

"He can't be just an average student can he?''

Chase rose from the ground where he was sitting and walked over to the strange keyblade weilder.

"Hey your Axus right?''Chase said sternly. knowing his name only because the king said it earlier.

''Your stronger than you look aren't you?''

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"But Saez," Lexia protested. "If we start a war how could this end.....if darkness wins? We would be in an even worst place than before. How will we know that a war between light and darkness could truly be beneficial for the light. I don't mean to offend anyone, but how will we know that we are strong enough for a war right know." Lexia said bitting her lip anxiously waiting to see Saez and the other masters responses. Was that the right thing to say. Do they think I'm dum....

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