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Text A Story at Its Most Nonsensical

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Thunder cracked and rained poured. The darkest black permeated the sky, visible only when lightning struck, the rain turning the ground of what appeared to be a clearing to brown mush.   Ominous, snow covered mountains looked like wary, titanic warriors and yet the revelation of this location didn't answer her inquiry.

. . . . How did I get here?

Even mentally, she sounded exhausted and miserable. Her blue eyes contrasted against the red puffiness of her skin and she was as pale as the snow crowns embedded upon the mountain peaks. Ebony hair was plastered to her neck and face. The raindrops soaked her dark clothes, causing her to shiver. Around her, things blinked out of existence. She was far too awake and far too tired at the same time.

Thoughts of misery and indecisiveness were dominant in her mind. I'm being torn to pieces. I don't know anymore. . . .

Creatures blinked around her, shifting between reality and unreality. She recognized some of them. Prominent they were, in various mythologies, religions and children's faery tales. Their faces were varied from lack of expression, whereas some had pride, plead, taunts or acknowledgement. She didn't understand it.

With sudden abruptness, the corner of her eye was invaded by someone she never expected to see. What is he doing here!? she thought with astonishment.

His auburn hair, clothes and body were shielded from the downpour of raindrops. Azure eyes looked straight into hers. He gave her a gentle, loving smile and her heart ached painfully as if someone was  crushing it with a fist. Salt water sprang to her eyes and against her will, wings of light unfolded from underneath her leather jacket, poised for flight.

I can't do this!

You always knew you had to make a choice.

Salty tears clouded her field of vision and everything silenced. She couldn't hear the wind, the thunder or the rain. A distressed beat pounded in her ears. A vital heartbeat. 

Her wings shattered, a shower of light splinters. Sound echoed in her cranium, the rain, wind and thunder a barrage of noise. The shock of losing what was always there made her crumple to the ground. The strength, the power she always used to. . . . it was gone. She spit out a mouthful of mud, teardrops melding with the earth underneath her. The brownness dirtied her shirt and jeans. Her hand curled, the mud escaping the confines of her fist.

I can't choose.

in this case, by refusing to choose, your weakness is a choice, in and of itself.

She thought of all those who needed her. The species of Earth, the humans, the supernaturals and most importantly, the man she loved. Memories and images of what could be taken and destroyed flashed before her. She let out a keening wail and sobbed into the ground.

Think for a moment. If you had to break his heart, as a means to keep him safe and sound, would you?


To keep him safe, I would do
anything. I love him.

It seems you have your resolve, child.

Rising from the ground, she wiped off as much mud off her clothes and face as she could. When she squeezed her midnight tresses of rainwater, a new arrival in the clearing caught her eye. A glowing ocean blue trident, bobbing a few centimeters into the air, beckoned her with whispers of reassurance and power. After too long, a fond smile became of her lips. She really was her father's daughter.

Turning her back to the trident, she approached him and he gathered her in a firm embrace. As always he was warm and secure. Raising her head, she gave him a long lingering kiss, not caring if she tasted of mud; putting as much fervour into it as she could. Once their breaths were lost, they pulled back and gazed at one another.

"I love you," she said with a smile, backing away from him.

He opened his mouth to reply and she reached out behind her. Too fast to properly see, the trident came soaring in her palm and she grasped it with a sure hand. Her body was engulfed by blue light, cleansed of impurities; her previously shattered wings now growing into an actual, physical form. Black, muddy attire was replaced with a form fitting, sleeveless outfit that was as ocean blue as the trident and ebony tresses were neatly pinned from falling into her face.

She offered her boyfriend a tender, sorrowful, apologetic smile and in a rush of glowing feathers, flew head first into the abyssmal cumulus clouds above.

* * *

I don't know what I was writing.

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That was awesome. I think that girl is an angel, because she was suppose to choose to become mortal or be an angel but she couldn't and in the bible, no I am not extremely religious, it says something about angels not having much of a right to choose. Also, the girl sprouted wings made of light colored feathers and flew up into the sky like she was going to heaven. I don't think the point was to try to interpret it, but that is how I understood the story.

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Also, I don't know what color auburn is, or what the characters look like.


Auburn is a reddish-brown. xD Although the story is purposely vague, I did provide the description for them. That's satisfactory enough for the story itself. But I know it's difficult for you to imagine what they look like because of your autism because I have that problem too. I think it's easier if you take the image of someone or a character you know to help you picture your own version of what you think they look like.

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