crystalpoppin 5 Posted July 29, 2012 Makenna fell to the ground, silently gasping for air. She got up holding her ribs, as if cradling her lungs. She walked back over to Mary Jane and stuck her hand out for a hand shake. "Makenna. Pleasure to meet you." she gasped. She opened her mind up even more and tried to send a message to her. <Just shake my hand and I'll leave.> she thought to Mary. 'Then I can spy on her from farther away and not get crushed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rikuluver15 35 Posted July 29, 2012 When Makenna walked up to her, Mary Jane gave a look of confusion. 'I had you within an inch of your life and you want to shake my hand?' she thought. 'She's so annoying.' <Just shake my hand and I'll leave> Mary Jane heard in her head. 'What the... She can project thoughts too? Even more annoying.' Mary Jane thought. She decided to just do as Makenna said so she would just leave her alone. She shook her hand and and said, "I'm Mary Jane. But you already got that information without permission." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
crystalpoppin 5 Posted July 29, 2012 Makenna smiled. "I'll be on my way. Thank you for putting me in that situation. It's made my ability stronger. I could never project thoughts before." she started to walk away. She suddenly got an idea and started to project a thought to Mary. It was difficult considering she was fighting back from laughing. She started projecting the Smurfs song to Mary Jane over and over. Just continually repeating. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rikuluver15 35 Posted July 29, 2012 Mary Jane was happy to see Makenna leaving. She never wanted to see that annoying telepath ever again. All of a sudden, an annoying song seemed like it was stuck in her head. She vaugely remembered hearing it when she was little, but it couldn't possibly be that she had just remembered it... 'Makenna...' Mary Jane thought. 'Fine. Two can play at this.' Mary Jane moved her hand and telekinetically grabbed on to Makenna's shoes. She made them stop right where they were, causing Makenna to fall because of the built up momentum. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
crystalpoppin 5 Posted July 29, 2012 Makenna waved her arms around trying to stop the fall to no avail. She fell flat on her face. She smiled angrily. 'Wanna be like that huh?' she got up seemingly unfazed and brushed herself off. She walked over to the tree and as soon as she got beside it, she started playing Barney as loud as she could. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rikuluver15 35 Posted July 29, 2012 'Your choices of ways to annoy me just reflect how childish you actually are. I would be greatful if you were to just leave me alone. I have other things to worry about than your immaturity.' Mary Jane thought to Makenna. Quite honestly, Mary Jane was almost happy to have this distraction, other than worrying about where her next meal would come from, or the fact that she hadn't been able to find a job. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
crystalpoppin 5 Posted July 29, 2012 Makenna smiled at this thought. She then projected one last thought. <Too bad you want me gone so badly. I was going to offer you a place to stay. Food, shelter, everything you need to survive. Eh, maybe next time Mary.> she slowed down slightly so she could see Mary change her mind. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rikuluver15 35 Posted July 29, 2012 Mary Jane's eyes widened. 'H-Hey! You weren't supposed to hear that...!' she thought to Makenna. Was her offer worth it? Of course Mary Jane needed food and shelter, but...was it really worth risking Makenna looking into her memories and seeing something she shouldn't? As much as Mary Jane didn't want to risk it... '... Alright. I guess I can't reject your offer.' Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
crystalpoppin 5 Posted July 29, 2012 Makenna smiled and turned back around. <Come on down then> she projected, waving at Mary. <When your thinking that loud, it's hard to miss Mary.> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rikuluver15 35 Posted July 29, 2012 Mary Jane got up and followed Makenna and quickly caught up with her. "And please don't call me Mary." she said. "It's Mary Jane. Got it?" She didn't like anyone calling her Mary. That was what her mom called her, and that was the only person allowed to. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
crystalpoppin 5 Posted July 29, 2012 "Eh, maybe I'll call ya M.J. How bout that. Yeah. Or maybe 'Jannie'." she said smiling. When she saw that Mary Jane wasn't smiling, she frowned. "Why the frowny face?" she said poking her with each word said. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VIIth Angel 35 Posted July 29, 2012 (Dangit I missed out again...) Patricia ran up with the group. "Hey wait! I want to come too! I had to run away from home after discovering my powers. I first developed my freezing powers, and when I got into a fight I just wanted to freeze the girl and run. But that's when my second power kicked in, and instead I blew her away towards a wall severely injuring her. It might've had to do with the fact that I was more furious than scared, I think my powers are tied to my emotions. You know I could've blown her up, and to avoid further trouble I just ran away... Do you think I could come too?" Patricia asked desperately not wanting to leave the group she had just met. (and btw its 1:48 am where I'm at, so I was gonna go to bed please don't do anything super interesting/important without me) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rikuluver15 35 Posted July 29, 2012 (edited) Mary Jane stared at Makenna, unamused. "Please don't touch me. And I don't know what to tell you about my 'frowny face'. I guess it's just a habit." But she knew it was more than just a habit. It was humiliating for her to have to, momentarily, be relying on this annoying girl. And to make it worse, Mary Jane had to constanly be worrying about Makenna reading her mind. Any person has things that they would want to hide, but Mary Jane's secrets were a bit more personal and awful. "And, please, just call me Mary Jane. Nothing else." she said. Suddenly, she noticed Patricia following them and telling them about her powers and asking if she could stay with them. Mary Jane looked over to Makenna to see what her answer was. Mary Jane didn't really have a say in anything anyway. Edited July 29, 2012 by rikuluver15 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Corrupted keyblade 64 Posted July 29, 2012 (Thanks for notifying. I'll take care of her and not do anything bad, But hopefully we will see you back soon ) John smiled as she said she'll do it. "Get ready" John said as he lunged towards her and grabbed her as she turned invisible. Next thing she knew she was invisible and in the middle of the police dispatcher's room. Luckily no one was around and she quickly stuck the pin in and was able to leave it in there hidden. She then waited hoping John would come in. John then ported in and ported out too quickly to be shown on camera. "WOW" Was all she could say to John. She was the first person he had ever ported. He could tell it was probably a rush. He knew it was a rush for him his first time Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
crystalpoppin 5 Posted July 29, 2012 Makenna looked over at Patricia. "I don't see why not. I think your powers are pretty awesome." She turned to Mary Jane. "You need to stop thinking so loud if you want me to stay out of your mind." she shrugged and kept walking. She could control her powers but don't want her to know that. 'Just sum it up to I can't control my powers. Everything will be fine.' She thought to herself. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rikuluver15 35 Posted July 29, 2012 Thinking loud? What the heck? "I am not thinking loud." Mary Jane said, annoyed. "I don't even know what that means." But Mary Jane did have to feel a bit sorry for Makenna for not being able to control her powers. She remembered what it was like for her whenever she didn't have full control over her telekenesis. Like when she would accidentally break a window just by walking near it. But Mary Jane could only imagine how much worse it would be to not be able to control telepathy. Hearing everyones thoughts at once would probably give anyone a major headache. Despite her pity for Makenna, she was still afraid of her mind being invaded. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
crystalpoppin 5 Posted July 29, 2012 Makenna fought back the urge to answer her remark about having pity. "You may not be. I just can't help it." she said Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rikuluver15 35 Posted July 29, 2012 'Couldn't she at least ATTEMPT to not read my mind?' Mary Jane thought, then sighed. '... Or at least not respond to everything i think.' "So," Mary Jane said, turning to Patricia. "Your name is Patricia, correct? That's what Makenna called you, right?" She was just trying to make conversation, if nothing else but to distract Makenna. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VIIth Angel 35 Posted July 29, 2012 Patricia followed the group with glee. This may finally be the first time in a long time she has found somewhere to belong. "Yeah, I'm Patrica, and I guess your Mary Jane too." She thought about what else to say, and then began to talk again. "Well," Patricia began. "What are we gonna do? I mean, I'd like to figure out why we have these powers, or at least learn to control them better." She suggested. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
crystalpoppin 5 Posted July 30, 2012 Makenna sighed. "I don't know about that. I've just been staying here." she said gesturing to the wearhouse. She looked around, making sure they were the only ones around. Once seeing they were, she pushed the door open. She stood in front of the door way, turning to face them. "Welcom to my humble abode." She said smiling. "I know it's not much, but it's better than the streets. Come on in." she said waving them in. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rikuluver15 35 Posted July 30, 2012 Mary Jane walked into the werehouse and looked around inside. It was a huge building. She wished she had come across it before Makenna had. Sleeping in the park got old after a while. "So this is where you're living? Interesting..." Mary Jane said. "So, any reason you don't have an actual home?" She found it only fair to pry on Makenna's life if Makenna was going to be able to read her mind constantly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
crystalpoppin 5 Posted July 30, 2012 Makenna shut the door behind them and went to sit on the couch. "I'm a wanted lunatic." she said to them. I can't go anywhere during the day and have to be careful at night. The food and everything in her is stolen. Its not like I want to, but I have to. Well, I could have lived without a couch, but whatever. I just use my telepathy to see when people are leaving, steal a few things and run it back home." she said shrugging it off. "It's bot a big deal. Really the furniture i got from the junk yard. Thank you telepathy." she said smiling Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rikuluver15 35 Posted July 30, 2012 Mary Jane was taken aback by Makenna's honestly. Just admitting something like that... Maybe this girl was a lunatic. "I could see why you would be wanted, considering you stole everything here." Mary Jane said, getting a little uneasy. "I don't see how you could just use your powers to take advantage of people." She was starting to get angry. Here Mary Jane was, trying to live on her own by working as hard as she could, while Makenna was just using her powers to have a simple life. Makenna was really starting to make her angry. Mary Jane walked back to the door and opened it. "I've changed my mind. I don't want to take part in any of this. And I especially don't want to be associated with someone like you." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
crystalpoppin 5 Posted July 30, 2012 Makenna laughed. "Not really a lunatic honey. I got put in an insane asylum for hearing voice when I first got my powers. And taking advantage of people? No, I steal food. That's it. I couldn't project images until tonight when you tried to kill me. This ain't no simple life! How would you like to constantly have a thousand voice screaming at you all day?" she knew she was lying, but Mary was making her mad. "I can't work! I'd explode from all the thoughts! Tell me something else about 'Simple living'." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rikuluver15 35 Posted July 30, 2012 Mary Jane's face was getting red with anger. She couldn't stand this girl any more. Her grip tightened on the door and she took several deep breaths, trying to compose herself, but it was futile. "Do you think you're the only one who has things in your mind that you don't want!? My own memories torture me!" she shouted at the top of her lungs. She stepped outside of the door and shouted "Think before you assume how easy other people's lives are!", then she slammed the door and ran away. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites