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Corrupted keyblade

Oh them Meteors

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Its 2013 and the worlds End of the World scare was nothing but a strange meteor shower. But there was something strange with these meteors. The didn't even hit earth. But there were many things that happened. People started getting special abilities but they were keeping them secret. Nobody knows about these powers but the amount of people that have them are skyrocketing. So it won't be long before people realize that there are people with powers which won't end well. Of course some people will use their powers to aid the world but some will also use them for evil. But they are your powers so do what you choose to do with them.


So what do you choose? Help, Destroy, or do nothing?



  • No god modding
  • No controlling of another members characters without permission
  • No killing off another character without permission
  • No powers of invincibility
  • Keep post about 100 words (which should be three lines, if you are on the computer)
Character Sheet








Theme Song:


Here is my character

  • Name: John Zander
  • Age: 19
  • Power: Transportation
  • Appearance: http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/eeed03c37ce945aa4f57235767f1e87e/http://i632.photobucket.com/albums/uu48/DanOnTheInternet/anime-hoodie-male.jpg
  • Bio: John is one of those poor people from a bad home. He hasn't been able to leave because his dad won't let him. Any time John tries to leave his dad beat the hell out of him. John's one wish was to get out and that is what he got whenever he applied for college. His dad didn't like how he got in a college and is supposed to be on the dorm so while John was sneaking his stuff out for the dorm when his dad came home early and started beating down on him. Luckily for John the meteor shower had started. All John wanted was to get away and next thing he knew he was laying down in the sidewalk next to his house. He then stood up and started running where he ended up sleeping at a bus stop. He has now learned how to use this power to its greatest potential. But he doesn't know if he wants to use it to help or use it for nothing else.
  • Gender: Male
  • Theme Song: http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=hO2wA0Te0wM
Edited by Corrupted keyblade

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Name: Alexander Theo

Age: 18

Power: Dragon ; includes fire, flying, claws, dragon sences, and tough skin(defense)

Appearance: Blue jeans and tennis shoes, hoody with a dragon on it and necklace with a yin and yang symbol. He has green hair and blue eyes.

Bio: Alexander lived in an average home with an average life, but resently things haven't been so normal. Alex sneezed one day during school and accidentally set his school on fire. Then he was transferred to another school, there he learned to control his fire ability but started to find out he has powers than he thought.

Gender: male

Theme Song: naked arms by TM Revolution

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Name: Makenna Urith


Power: Telepathy

Appearance: http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111126083354/touhou/images/8/81/Random_anime_girl_by_Shivawolf1.jpg

Bio: Makenna was at home when the metor shower started. Shortly after it ended, she went to the store for her mother. As soon as she got into traffic, she felt as though a million people were talking to her at once. She couldn't concentrate on driving, which intern made her crash into other cars. No one was hurt, but they took her to the insane asylum for hearing voices. A strange man came to her one day, explaining what had happened. He busted her put the same day. She has learned to control her ability, and using it only when she wants too.

Gender: Female

Theme Song: ??? Idk

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Name: Augusta Demonwood

Age: 15

Power: Invisibility/Disappearance

Appearance: Posted Image

Bio: Augusta had a relatively easy life. Going to a prestigious Catholic academy, with some rich parents. She was smart and kind, though on the quiet side. It all changed with the meteor shower. She had chosen to sit on the roof to see if the world ended. All it was was a pretty light show. Disappointed she walked back in. She wished good night to her parents. No response. They couldn't see or hear her! Later, they searched all over the house for her. She tried to tell them that she was right there. Eventually, she was noticed. But what they saw was a blinking version of her. Convinced their daughter was now a freak, they abandoned her on the streets. She lived on the streets for a short time, being a successful thief considering she couldn't be seen or heard. Eventually a man came to her and asked if she wanted to control her powers. Appearing temporarily, she chose to go with him.

Gender: Female

Theme Song:


Can I have more than one character?

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Name: Mary Jane Tatlin


Age: 17


Power: Telekinesis



Posted Image


Bio: After her mom's suicide when she was 10, Mary Jane lived with her alchoholic father until DCFS had deemed him unable to take care of her. She had lived with multiple different foster families, but was eventually given up by every one of them because of some problems she had, caused by her pschological trauma from her childhood. When she was 15 she decided to live on her own, because anyone else would just give up on her anyway. She found various ways to make money to live off of, but it was never much. But she lived like that for 2 more years, until she was 17, and the meteor shower happened. After watching some of the meteors in the sky, she had started to feel odd, but just payed no attention to it. The night after, she was walking through town, when a few thugs chased her into an alley and had her cornered. She was scared and didn't know what to do. She pushed one of the men away, which sent him flying into the nearby wall. After that, they all ran from her, shouting "freak!". She gradually learned how to control her telekinesis and has become very skilled at it and has perfect control of it, unless her emotions get the better of her.


Gender: Female


Theme song:

Edited by rikuluver15

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(Accepted and Rp starts now)


John stood on top of the roof of the tallest building in the city. He was looking over the edge of the building with a crazy daredevil grin. John then broke off in a sprint jumping off the building. It was a full 80 foot drop. He waited until he was right next to the ground when he disappeared in a cloud of black smoke. He then instantly ended up back on top of the same building. Panting, he felt extremely invigorating. John smiled and then heard the sound of police sirens. He didn't know if he should go or not.

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Name: Patricia Haliwell


Age: 15


Power: (I always like using these powers)

Molecular Immobilization which looks like this:



This doesn't affect the entire world, only the small area/vicinity she is focusing on. She also can't control how long it lasts, although if she wishes to unfreeze the are herself, she can. Very strong people can get out of this power very fast.


And Molecular combustion which looks like this:



Most of the time it'll only blow objects up and people back, but when she gets stronger/angrier, she'll be able to blow people up as well instead of just blowing them backwards (If that doesn't make sense let me know)


Appearance: Posted Image


Bio: Patricia Haliwell is a high school student about to start her Sophomore year and has been living in a foster home with neglectful foster parents all her life, only living to live, no other reason. One day, not far after the meteor showers, she was walking home late from her job at a cofee shop, she was about to get mugged by a gang member. Before she was attacked, in fear she flicked her hands up to cover her face. After nothing happening for a while, she uncovered her face to reveal the gang member.

Later, one of her classmates had begun to pick on her and got into a fight with Patricia. In anger, Patricia flicked her hands at the girl trying to freeze the her, but instead, Patrcia blew the girl back, and injured her pretty well as she had hit the concrete floor. Assuming that her powers seem to be tied to her emotions, until she can control her powers better she's decided it best to only use it when she has to and occasionally practice on non living targets. Also scared of what would happen to her, Patricia ran away from home, and now lives on the streets.


Theme song: Tifa's theme from FFVII

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"Come on, babe." a man, about in his mid-twenties, said to Mary Jane, following her.

"Leave me alone, creep." she replied calmly and quietly. She had gotten used to boys acting this way around her. And asking her for something they wanted, but she wasn't that poor.

"A hot chick like you should have a guy." he continued as he got closer and closer to her. He was obvoiusly drunk.

Mary Jane was starting to get annoyed. "I said leave me alone. What part of that don't you understand?"

"I guess I was just distracted by..." He shifted his eyes down slightly.

"You're a pig." Mary Jane said, smaking him across the face.

"Ah, come on babe, I'm just messin' with ya." he said, getting a little too close.

At this point, Mary Jane couldn't stand this guy. She turned to him and lifted her hand, slowly closing her fingers. She didn't like to use her powers in public, but she also didn't want whatever was going on in this guy's mind to happen either.

Her fingers had almost made it into a fist, then the man was gasping for air. She was using her telekinesis to basically strangle him. Not to the point of dying though.

Mary Jane clenched her fist tighter and the man's face now had a purple tint to it. She released her hand and the man was able to breathe again. As he was gasping for air, Mary Jane leaned closer to him. "Stay away from me." she said. The man had a look in his eyes like he had just seen a monster, then ran away.

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John decided he'd let the police handle that business. He then jumped again right off the side of the building. He was at this point licking distance from the pavement when he turned into a black mist and and end up walking on the sidewalk just a few feet away like nothing happened. John was looking around making sure no one saw and he pulled his hood up. John then saw this girl strangling this guy without touching him. The guy then ran into him as he ran off and John transported right before the girl could see him watching. John watched her seeing she probably had powers due to the meteors. John then ported in front of her "So you're one of them" John said with a sly grin

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Augusta crouched quietly in front of the scene. She'd just observed two others like her. An telekinetic, and a teleporter. It'd been a while since she'd seen any use their powers blatantly in front of people. She decided to let out a little trick she had recently learned. Without appearing completely, she allowed herself to be heard. "You idiot! Using powers like that in front of people, your going to get us all killed." she said, then closing off her noises again. She knew the threat of public exposure, it had been explained to her enough times, and she wanted to get it through these two thick skulls.

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(Yeah, sorry I re typed my post and forgot to re put in your acceptance, so yes accepted you are) (Yes I'm Yoda)


[also this a city modeled like New York]


"In a town like this no one notices a college student being in almost two places at once. Its not going to get us killed, we aren't escaped science experiments. Not many others have powers and if someone sees someone with powers they get called crazy and wind up being institutionalized." John said knowing the girl was invisible. "See if someone saw your power" John turned right where her voice was coming from. Looking right where she'd be "You would cause them to go crazy. They wouldn't think we had powers. They would think they were crazy" John said

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(Lol I did an rp about escaped science experiments haha)


While Patricia roamed the streets she now called home, she noticed the scene that was occurring a few blocks away from her. She couldn't make out that many words, but she did hear some things like. "Make people go crazy," and "Use your powers."

"Are there... Are there more people like me?" She asked herself. Deep down she really hoped there would be someone she can relate to, so against her common sense to avoid the scene, she quietly came closer and closer to observe what was happening.

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This guy was annoying. He didn't get the big picture. Slowly circling him, so he wouldn't know where she was at all times she allowed herself to be heard again. "So you'd allow an innocent person to be locked up in an insane asylum for your own fun. You're a sick man. Besides, this is a once in a lifetime moment that I unveil my powers, just so I can talk to you. Besides, it doesn't take much to be exposed, just one lucky video camera and we're done. Society doesn't take well to mutants. Society refuses any who are different than them, and that's fact. If anything it's better that we stay secret, for otherwise we'd be simply rejected for what we are. Simple as that." she spoke. She was spilling her thoughts to this guy. Augusta was annoyed that he would just let himself be open like this.

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The conversation became clearer and clearer to her the closer she got to them. She became more and more intrigued, finally hiding behind a corner to listen in.

Her glasses fell off her face and fell to the floor outside of the corner.

"Crap," She said to herself. She leaned in trying to pick up the glasses and hoping no one would notice her. What would they do if they discovered what she was?

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"She's right." Mary Jane agreed. "I was careless and shouldn't have let my emotions take over. I don't usually use my powers in public unless nessicary. What I did was wrong." Mary Jane had always had a habit of apologizing for everything, even if she wasn't at fault. "I'm sorry. I could've easily just exposed us, or put that man in an insane asylum, or killed him." Her head tilted down and she put her hands in the pockets of her grey jacket. "Sorry." she said right before starting to walk away.

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What may have been Patricia's only chance to meet someone like her was walking away. Patricia decided to follow Mary Jane close by and see where she would take her. Maybe she would even take her to more people like her.

While following Mary Jane, Patricia thought of her old life, before she had these powers. Although her life was kind of bland, and boring, and she occasionally got taunted, she made due. And the overall rewarding thing about is was that she belonged. And now? She lives on the streets with no where to go, no where to belong.

"I wonder where she's going," Patricia asked quietly to herself, hopefully not loud enough for Mary Jane to hear her.

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Mary Jane walked until she got to the city park. When she wasn't off doing a job to earn money, she was usually at the park. It was peaceful, and, frankly, she didn't have anywhere else to go.

She sat down on one of the benches and stared at a dandelion by her foot, very distant from reality. She often was like this, just thinking about nothing, trying not to play her old memories in her mind. Everything from her childhood... Her father always coming home drunk and shouting profanity at her. Her multiple foster homes, where no one loved her. Watching her mother...-- Mary Jane shook her head to clear the thought and, in her mind, shouted, 'No! Stop it!'

'Why is all of this happening...?' she thought. 'It's not like I didn't have enough problems before! Now I'm a freak! Now no one could possibly love me! The only person who ever loved me killed herself!' Mary Jane blinked away the tears in her eyes and took several deep breaths. She pulled her jacket tighter around her.

She heard something behind her. Footsteps, which weren't that uncommon in the park, but they kept getting closer. Mary Jane turned around and saw a girl about her age.

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Patricia froze.

"Uh, hi?" Patricia started, feeling stupid for even saying anything.

She didn't know how to come about starting the conversation of special abilities, so she just decided to start it off simple.

"I uh, saw you talking to someone I think." Patrcia continued, pushing her glasses up closer to her eyes.

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"And you followed me." Mary Jane groaned. 'Second time today.' she thought to herself.

She suddenly realized that if this girl had seen her taking to that boy, then... 'Oh no... She knows...'

She quickly tried to cover for herself. "So, what of it? Was my conversation that interesting that you had to track me down?"

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