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KH13 Sudoku Prevention Group

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Any print containing said offending material is to be immediately rammed into the nearest available orifice of the possessor. Failure to comply will result in being inducted into the Subtraction workgroup for rehabilitation.

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Any print containing said offending material is to be immediately rammed into the nearest available orifice of the possessor. Failure to comply will result in being inducted into the Subtraction workgroup for rehabilitation.


That's now how we do things 'round here, son.

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Edited by Silent Maiden

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I think he means Seppuku...which was a japanese ritual where one would stab them self in the stomach and wait until they become all dead...it was considered honorable..Sudoku, on the other hand, is a logic-using puzzle game that, based on the fact that brains and logic are needed to successfully do one, would make someone WANT to commit Seppuku...

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I considered it once. Luckily, I had support. Unfortuantely, others aren't so lucky.


So you understand why it's so important to offer support

I think he means Seppuku...which was a japanese ritual where one would stab them self in the stomach and wait until they become all dead...it was considered honorable..Sudoku, on the other hand, is a logic-using puzzle game that, based on the fact that brains and logic are needed to successfully do one, would make someone WANT to commit Seppuku...


There are two things wrong about this post. One is calling Koko a 'he'

The other one is the assumption that it is possible for me to get words wrong. Ever.

Edited by Oishii

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I think he means Seppuku...which was a japanese ritual where one would stab them self in the stomach and wait until they become all dead...it was considered honorable..Sudoku, on the other hand, is a logic-using puzzle game that, based on the fact that brains and logic are needed to successfully do one, would make someone WANT to commit Seppuku...


you killed the joke

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Rob commits sudoku all the time......in the bathroom, in the kitchen, in the living room, in the car, and more. Don't let Rob get started about the senior center.

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There are two things wrong about this post. One is calling Koko a 'he'

The other one is the assumption that it is possible for me to get words wrong. Ever.


I wasn't calling Koko a "He" I was calling you one...so you just got 2 things wrong there, therefor disproving your second statement as well...

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I wasn't calling Koko a "He" I was calling you one...so you just got 2 things wrong there, therefor disproving your second statement as well...


The way you phrase your post, it makes it sound like you think I'm misinterpreting Koko's quote in which ze refers to Sudoku.

Really, interpreting it any other way just makes you sound weird.

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We need to be reminded of what will never happen, Shana! Get with the program and accept reality for what it is!


I feel like you missed an opportunity with this post.

Consider my revised one:

We need to be reminded of what will never happen, Shana! Get with the program and accept reality for what it isn't!


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We need to be reminded of what will never happen, Shana! Get with the program and accept reality for what it is!


But it can't be stopped!

It just can't!

KH3 needs to be made and if it doesn't...ima...ima play sudoku. ;a;

Edited by Shana09

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I feel like you missed an opportunity with this post.

Consider my revised one:


I typed what I typed. Hmph.


But it can't be stopped!

It just can't!

KH3 needs to be made and if it doesn't...ima...ima commit sudoku. ;a;


Damn... you need to see a therapist about that one.

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