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Lady Aleister

Welcome to Madness {RP}

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Rain backed off holding her stoumach." dang that hurt" she said wiping up some blood.rain grinned an stood up." you who once were human but now will never be the same have lost all equal rights to live any longer so you will die here even if we have to fight you until we die got it scum" she said.

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"Scum? Damn, you all really are that annoying. No one seems to understand me. Pitiful, inferior humans. How could I even expect you to comprehend?" I said throwing her near Raiga with my spine. I brought out my scythe right about to dissect the both of them. The blade trapped them to the wall by their necks.

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Rain went back to the laboratory to see if the others were there but she had escaped from salem with reki earlier she left reki behind so pretty much she is just there to be the crap out of issac and somewhat get her butt kicked as well

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As Salem's head exploded, acid spewed everywhere, melting the whole shotgun completely, and Terry's sword melted like plastic to a fire, only way faster. "KYAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!! YESS!!" Salem had shed his skin, which looked exactly like him, with everything, which only made things more frustrating. "You see, my blood can do so much on it's own~ Now, about them donations~" His tail blade shined in the dim light.


Ress busted through the dungeon wall that Raim and Raiga were in, seeing Issac as well, "Raiga!! Raim!!" He shoots off issac's arm, causing the blade to fall in place, doing nothing to Raim and Raiga.

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Raiga smiled "i got him" he said as he revealed a needle that was emptied of liquid. "what is deadly to all living things" he said as he looked at issac "you now have mercury in your bloodstream as it isnt a viris your body wont produce something to combat it and your now poisoned. Its called chemical warfare asshole!"

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"I know of the chemical..." I said, grabbing little needle, flicking it. Eventually the needle stabbed Raiga, but us both poisoned atleast a little bit. "You two are free to go, for now." I limped away throwing two flasks of opposing chemicals that created smoke and blew up the nearby wall. I was gone by the time the smoke cleared...

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"hello amelia....why is everything all purple and grey and black and...and... Hi everybody" he said acting like a wacko


Ray dropped the shot gun "the hell!" He looked at terry "are we in a snuff film?" K

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Salem smiled evily, slightly poking Ray in the arm, then jumping over to Terry and doing the same, then grabs the two by the neck, but not choking them. "Boy... your blood sucks... but the girl~ Her's is juuuuuust right~" He throws Ray through a wall, then slowly begins to cut at her thigh, licking her blood straight from the wound with his tongue. "Mmmmm~"


Ress looked after Raiga and Raim, then had a very big thought, or this case... another flashback...


"Due to the chemical coding within his newly developed gene's and DNA, his body will literally be fine if invaded with a host, for the cells within the creature or virus within his body will die instantly from the process of his new immune system." "Which sucks for Chimera, for once something invades there body, every other process is slowed and even stopped, making it very difficult to even heal ones self or even do anything." "We've injected everything in the boy, even mercury, and his body has completely resisted all." "Expected from us amazing and smart scientist."


"If the main body is affected by something else... then..." Ress looked at Raiga, then nodded, "Smart one indeed.."

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Amelia stood up, looking at Salem, giving him a sharp glare. "Hey perv, leave her alone, she's my friend for goodness sake!!" she yelled as anger took over her. Amelia turned dead serious. "Die asshole." she yelled, shooting frantically at Salem, missing Terry, not wanting to hurt her.

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Rain hit raiga on the head and slid down to the floor holding stomach still." you should have seen that coming but either way nice one with te mercury idea raiga" she said smiling.rain leaned her head back and closed her eyes.

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as Salem was shot, acid spewed, eating the ground and walls away. "Yess!! YEESSS!!! Shoot me... SHOOT ME MOREE!! SHOOT ME LOTS LOTS MORRREE!! KYAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHH!!!" He bit Terry's thigh, only leaving a bite mark and nothing more, then throws her to a wall, standing there as the bullets slightly missed and hit him.

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