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Lady Aleister

Welcome to Madness {RP}

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Raiga smiled "so what i only need one arm and my life is almost over as is. Ive prepared myseld to die and if it means taking myself ill do it as im taking you down!" said Raiga as he coughed up more blood then he used his one good arm and grabbed issac by the neck then forcinghim down as Raiga fell ontop of issac keeping him pinned "Raim! Take the gatling gun on the top of the jeep and open fire! On both of us!" said raiga as he closed his eyes "you should have finished me when you could." raiga told issac

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"Raiga you Idiot!! Your not gonna die! If I could survive all the things that happened then you can survive this!" Amelia yelled, gently pulling him off of Issac. "Dont you dare move, do you here me? You better pass out. Your not going to die!" she yelled at his face, looking him straight in the eye.

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raim shook her head."i won't do that raiga i could never do that to the guy i kinda had a crush on" she said blushing.raim walked over to issac and got down holding the dagger to issac's throat." if you die i die as well got that" she said her blush growing.

Edited by demy1077

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"Idiot. My spine may not have a blade but it can move just as fine." My spine ripped out of my flesh and threw Raiga near the Jeep, I put my spine back inside and casually walked away, picking up a gun from a dead man. I shot it twice, first at Amelia's leg, then in the very center of the gatling gun. The barrel of the gatling gun...the collision of mine and the gatling gun's bullets exploded disabling the gun. I flew away again, shooting Raiga then dropping the gun on Misaki. (xP)


(My other character is about moments, memories, and emotions. He IS a protagonist after all, just not in this RP.)

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(Gosick emotional moment comeing right up)


"Raiga!" Amelia yelled, tears freely rushing down her cheeks. She slowly crawled over to him, blood in a puddle beneath her. "Raiga!" she yelled again, knowing this was his fate.

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(Gah so many posts were at that one time)

"I'll let you join him, so don't worry." I grabbed Raiga and flew only slightly upwards, looking at Raim. "Because im going to....dissect him!" I dropped Raiga onto Raim. "Trust me, if I die, i'll make sure you go with me."


(Yes, Misaki, I let a metal weapon fall right on your head. BONK!)

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raim caught raiga and held onto him." you won't freaking touch him you hear me" she yelled.raim looked at him and growled." you ever touch him again i'll dissect you and find out what makes you think you can mess around with friends" she said tears flowing down her cheeks.

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Raiga's eyes open wide 'what! So this means that my emotions were right i did feel something...that means... Does this mean ive come out of the abyss of insanity and back into reality? Love? Friendship? Kindness? No longer do i. Feel like i have no sense of reality is this what my soul was searching for.' Raiga Thought as he used his working arm and grabbed the sniper rifle from the jeep and a single bullet and loaded it "with what you have done to my friends! Raim, Ress, Amelia, Misaki, and Shawn. You deseve to be finished!" he said as a red dot aimed up to issacs heart and suddenly an armour peircing bullet passed through the point after the gunshot went off. Then raiga.coughed up alot of blood and fell

Edited by Arrow

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raim ran over to raiga and caught him before he hit the ground." don't be so risky god dangit" she said quickly grabing the first aid kit.she bandgaded him up and put him in the jeepmaking sure he didn't get hit anymore." you better be lucky that freaking kills you or you will go through my freaking type of torture" she said.

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"Raiga...." Amelia mumbled, tears still falling down her face, her leg hurting like hell. "Bye, farewell, see you later." she said sadly, crawling to Misaki, picking the gun up and throwing it at Issac's head.

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OOT: Maybe if you guys would give me some time!! ;A;


Ress saw the chimera stagger, having trouble flying. He closed his eye's from a random headache he began having.


During the time with the injection and fixing.....

"This is great!!" A doctor said. "It looks as if his body is resisting anything we give it..." Another doctor spoke. "Hey!! This person just dropped dead!!" Another doctor yelled. "The cells act as a type of metalless nuke... once it is injected directly from the boy, the cells act as a plastic shell, bypassing all forms of white blood cells and any other defensive cell.." "Even the recent baby Chimera?" "It died instantly.. Once the cell travels to the heart or certain point, it completely destroys all the cellular structure from the inside..." "Thats completely what we wan't, the perfect defense against everything, and anything that tries to drain his blood, will just die trying." "Precisely." "What about the adaptation?" "Were still testing...."


Ress opened his eye's, coming back to reality. He grabs his pistol and fires, shooting off one wing of the flying Chimera. "Bastard!" He shot again, ripping off the chimera's arm.

Edited by Aziz

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