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Lady Aleister

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(alright i guess i'll try to get us somewhere)

Several miles later the two vehicles were hidden in a secret location in Las Vegas. They would now proceed on foot to meet up with Raiga's supplier.

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Raiga smiled "fine by me" he said as he walked towards the casino "by the way we arent acctually entering the casino part we are going to the back via back door" he said as he walked

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" i'm pretty sure we can handle anything that comes at us misaki" raim said taking out a dagger and holding it so the end pointed east.

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Raiga continued to lead the group to the casino. He suddenly stopped for a second as he smiled again but soon the smile dissappeared and he just started to run to the casino "no not now!" he said to himself "come on hurry!" he yelled to the others

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Ress hears Raiga yell, then as someone would, he runs in after Raiga, seeing why he started freaking out.

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raim sat on the ground and threw her dagger in the air watching it spin in the air." wierd raiga has moods swings really easily unlike most" she thought.

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