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Lady Aleister

Welcome to Madness {RP}

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"you lie! your all just mad! Your not hunters of them!" said yuki as she began to pull out a knife

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Ress was still asleep, where he began to dream of his past....


"What will happen to our son..." the voices spoke. "He will become a Bio Weapon, you could say.. able to adapt and grow stronger, that way, he will be ready for any combat or environmental situation." The other voice spoke. "Will he be our same little boy...." the voices faded.


"You are a Monster!! Nothing but a Monster!!" the woman's voice screamed him, his father dead on the ground in the middle of the sidewalk. The mother only saw Ress holding the knife and his dead father, when some robber guy had stabbed both him and his father. Ress's body adapted to the stab, and healed quickly, but as he held the knife, his mom saw him.


Ress in his later teens...

"Look, it's that freak again.." 2 voices spoke, "Oh, him? He's just a sack a shit... does nothing but stare blankly at everyone.." another voice spoke. "They say he was in the Asylum for a very long time." another voice spoke. "He killed his own father, what did he expect."


Later that day...


"Dude...I'm so-guaahhg..." the voice coughed and threw up blood, the tall figure holding a metal bat that has been bent from multiple beatings. He raised it once more. "No... n-guaaghhaghh... No.... im sorry..." Ress swung down, and the sound of blood splatting and bones shattering filled the air.


Later on on his high school years...


"Put the bat down, or the girl dies!!" some teenagers had taken a girl hostage, the other teens began grabbing Ress, and punching him in the face, chest, etc.. The teenagers finally let him go, kicking him in the face. The teenager with a gun aimed at his head, then fired, hearing a girl scream before he blacked out. He wakes up, holding up some of the teens heads, like as if he had physically ripped them from their bodies like they would in mortal combat. The bullet wound was gone, and the girl passed out from fear. He picks her up, covered in blood and takes her home.....


a few weeks earlier......


Ress was in his abandoned home, sharpening his sword and starring into space. The Radio was on at the moment, "And in today's news, we have another mad wreckoning movement, a single man killing hundreds of innocents, and even the cops and military men that were with them. In other news..." Ress shot the radio, his evil maddening smile stretched across his face.


These memories..... Why am I remembering them.... Why am I haunted by these memories.... that girl.... why did I protect her again...... I don't remember... Did I finally lose my mind and go mad on the teens..... how did I live through the bullet.... I don't understand anything....


These thoughts ran through Ress's head as he slept, making him grunt every so often.

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(Aw man I hate not being on during the good scenes T_T)

Shawn sketched away on a piece of paper. There were several different calculations along with drawings of different parts of the strange chimera they had just encountered.

"This one's definitely different from all the others", he began to speak, although to himself, he said it all out loud. "Ten times the regeneration speed, much more brain power than any other chimera and from what I've seen, no chimera recovers from losing their head."

Shawn finally looked up at the others," We're dealing with an all new generation of chimera. If he gets to go around wreaking havoc like this, then we've got some serious problems on our hands".

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~A few days after the encounter~

I was in a cafe, watching the news. 'According to official reports, a massacre has been going all over Las Vegas! A total of 50 victims has been calculatd so dar. We insist you be cautious and evacuate the city. Police and detectives have yet to find the murderer, but each victim was stabbed with a blade. Some, have bone fragments but with no handprints of any kind.' (They only found 50 bodies? Please. Now my next experiment. How much pleasure can I get out of killing a large group of people simultaneously?)

~Later that night~

I walked into a casino, with my new invention. A magnet. One that is attracted to flesh, bones, and blood. I had it set up on the roof, and I wore a chain-mail under my clothes protecting me from it. Everyone in the casino ended up in that one room, unable to escape. "This....will be SO FUN!" I Said slicing my spine across the ceiling. I laughed and laughed constantly as I was showered with blood.

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(O_O wow this guy is scary) (anyways since we're fast forwarding a few a days ahead..)

Shawn turned on the T.V while the others slept. It had been a few days since their first encounter with the chimera. They had all stuffed themselves into Shawn's small, but well hidden hideout three days ago and had gotten plenty of time to rest. Shawn came across the reports of 50 dead bodies and knew the chimera was behind it.

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Raiga slept on a couch






From behind issace a man in a suit of armour ,clearly stolen from a meuseam stood behind, him. He had a sword to issacs neck and liliy in one hand. "your madness end here!"

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Ress had finally awakened, looking around and seeing it was a cave. He was able to see everything thanks to his adaption to the dark, getting up, he slightly toggled, catching himself on the wall. 'what happened..' Ress thought to himself. He then remembered, grabbing a rock and crushing it with his hand, he knew what had wen't on while he was asleep. He closed his eye's, then had a flash back.


------- some time as a child --------


As he was being experimented, "Most certainly a sight, isn't it... the original dosage is working perfectly." A voice said. "It's fusing with his Genetic code, making it completely different." another voice said. "With this experiment, we can test what will happen through his genetic adjustments, allowing him to adapt to anything." the voice before spoke again. "This means he could be immune to even being shot! or his skin will never be cut!!" The first voice exclaimed. "We may have created, a DemiGod!!" All three spoke.


Ress gently grabbed his head and slowly shook it, "A living.... Bio weapon..." He looked at his hand, then cit it on a sharp rock, or so he thought, seeing that the sharpest rock couldnt even cut him. He just stared at his hand, seeing that his skin was completely fine. He walked into the light, seeing Shawn, "Morning."

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Misaki heard something and slowly woke up. She sat up and pushed he hair out of her face. She looked over and saw Ress. She smiled.

"Gosh, he's..... He's really amazing isn't he?" she thought to herself. She got up, and walked over toward him.

"How'd you sleep?" she asked, looking at him.

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Amelia heard everyone waking up, thanks to her sensitive ears. She grabbed her jacket she was barried under and put it on her face, forcing herself awake. She combled out her hair with her hands and blinked at the others, rapping up in the jacket. Amelia stood up, looking at Misaki.

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Ress turned around, seeing Misaki, then slightly smiles, "Not to well... nightmares...." It was really all he had to say. "How about you.. Misaki.."

Edited by Aziz

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