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Lady Aleister

Welcome to Madness {RP}

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Ress fired a shot, and the bullet hit Yuki's Rifle's barrel, bending it awkwardly, then jumps out of the Jeep itself, running in Yuki's direction, hopping from one wall to the other and onto the roof next to her building. "You!!" Ress yelled in tone as he ran and jumped onto Yuki's building, pointing the pistol at her.

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Raiga pulled out a sniper rifle from the bag and with a lazer attached to it aimed it at yuki's head.


Raiga pulled out a sniper rifle from the bag and with a lazer attached to it aimed it at yuki's head.

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"Your in a lot of it.." Ress looked at her, then slowly walked to her. "Throw the rifle to me." He demanded, the gun pointing at her.

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raim sighed and looked back at the building." i wonder what it was this time" she thought.raim put her daggers away and smiled." this should be fun to watch" she whispered.

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Ress bent the rifle back in place, fixing it like new, then handed the rifle back to her, putting his gun in his holster, offering a helping hand.

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