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Lady Aleister

Welcome to Madness {RP}

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" whatever git i just came to find out what this all was" raim said holding back the idea of flipping him off.she looked around at everyone making sure to keep theirs faces in her memories.nodding she jumped onto a low branch and gave a peace sign." when i see your faces again i won't hold back the urge to fight you guys" raim said.she jumped into a near by tree and left.

Edited by demy1077

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"What was that about,she comes she leaves." Amelia mumbled to Ress, even though he would not know. "Ress, I will help you fight the cursed army." Rasiel said from behind him.

Edited by Sodom

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Ress nodded, then lowered his weapons, put them up and helped Flamberge and Raisel, then kicked Hal once in the side, which suprisingly wasnt to hard at all, then helps him up. "Misaki.." He turned to her, then slowly walked to her, placing his hand on the roof of the car, then his other hand in his pocket, starring at her with his yellow eye's.


"Hi Ress." she said smiling at him. "What took ya so long??"

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"once more saved by the bullet...why won't any of you just let me get out of my situations?" said Raiga as he hopped into the drivers seat of his jeep and put his revolver in his holster

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Ress slightly smiled, rubbing Misaki's head gently, then turning to Rasiel, extending his hand to him. His face immediately went back to it's normal expression, but he was basicly saying, "hope we can get along." Ress looked over at Shawn then pointed at the bay that was nearby. "I know a place." Ress spoke with a tone that was, although weird, but assuring.

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Amelia looked back to Ress. "Lets go." she insisted, a little nervous to be around Raiga. Rasiel nodded and Flamberge gave a dark laugh. "Well then lets go." Flam said, jumping on the top of the Car. "Flamberge, Raiel, If your going to ride with anyone its me." Hal mumbled from his silence, looking straight at the forest. "Yes." Rasiel stated, standing beside Hal with a rude smile.

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Ress gently place his hand against her hood, slowly lowering it. "You look better without it.." He spoke in his never leaving low tone. He looked into Misaki's eye's again, this time his eye's carried slight more determination, and care, gently rubbing her head and smirking.

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Misaki stared at Ress, startled that he was so confident. A small smile spread across her face, she was thankful she had met these people. They accepted her. She was happy they were here.

Edited by OphexHaruhi

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(even Raiga!)


Raiga looked at Misaki "You havent answered my question. Stay away from what? We are people too. Others dont think we should exist and those who say that shouldnt exits"

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Ress looked into Misaki's eye's still, gently taking her head and hugging it against his chest. It was a sign that he says, "hope we never separate, no matter what happens." He smiled, then rubbed Amelia's head gently.

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Amelia gave a smile to Ress, then turned to Raiga. "Raiga, your the person who scares us, if you want to be properly accepted into our little 'group' then maybe you should get your act straight." she snapped at Raiga.

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Smiling at Ress, she took a step back.

"I'm gonna kill Raiga." she said rolling her eyes. "Raiga, I'm trying to keep on a low profile of you haven't noticed. If I was completely insane, I'd be choking you." she said to him, annoyed.

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"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Nobody is going alone!", Shawn intervened," the army's gonna be after all of us now so we're not breaking up and running around solo. Whatever problem you guys have with each other, you fix it now". He looked around at everyone for a while.

"Well? Did i make myself clear? Good!". He turned to Ress.

"Now, what was hat place you were talking about?".

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"my Weapons suppliers source in Las Vegas. he has alot of different guns so i think we should go there for some ammo and maybe some upgrades on our weapons." said Raiga as he glared at everyone. "im going anyway with or without any of you. and the jeep is coming with me." he said.

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