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Heeey fellow Kingdom Hearts fans.

I think I've stalked the site and forum long enough, I finally decided to actually join it.

I've played every Kingdom Hearts game, (aside from Dream Drop Distance, which I'll get next week when it gets released here in the US) thanks to many friends who let me borrow their games and consoles. Haha.

I'd have to say that 358/2 Days is one of my favorites, because it was one of the first I played and also the theme of friendship and the whole story in general was so incredible to me. hmm I dunno, that game just is really special to me, I suppose.

I actually only got into the series about a year and a half ago, but already the series has had a huge impact on my life. It's helped me deal with a lot of life issues.

Also the Kingdom Hearts fandom has been one of the kindest, most supportive fandoms I've been a part of; especially on tumblr. But that's a different site and I should probably stop rambling on....

So, yeah! Anyway, I'm really excited I finally joined the forum, and I hope to have a nice time on here. <3

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Welcome to the forums! Glad to see some more eager KH fans!

And it's good to see some more fans of 358/2 Days. Unfortunately I see a lot of people who weren't very fond of that game, although I am one of the apparent few who really enjoyed it.

Anywho, welcome and hope you enjoy the site as I did! :D

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Welcome aboard! I know you'll love around here! Most of us are really kind! Anyways, hope you have fun and ask me anything if you have questions :)

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Hello, I am the one they call Libirica, The Awesomeness Expert of these lands. You might of heard of me which I fear you have not. Feel free to chat to me anytime and have fun in these fair lands.

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Welcome to the forums! Glad to see some more eager KH fans!
And it's good to see some more fans of 358/2 Days. Unfortunately I see a lot of people who weren't very fond of that game, although I am one of the apparent few who really enjoyed it.
Anywho, welcome and hope you enjoy the site as I did! :D
Thank you~. Yes unfortunately I know I few people who didn't really enjoy it, and I don't understand why. Oh well.

Welcome to this site :D

here, have some cookies

Posted Image

Ahaha thanks very much. They're shaped like mickey mouse.... c:

Welcome to the site :D

and don't you think 358/2 Days deserves a remake for the 3DS? xD

Thank you
and I haven't given that idea much thought, it could be interesting though! I've been thinking too much about the rumored HD collection that may or may not actually happen. Haha.

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