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What's your worst nightmare you've ever had?

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The worst nightmare that i've had that I can remember is having one of those "screamers" that were popular on youtube a while back - pop out of nowhere while I was doing casual business.Yeah, I don't really have nightmares a lot.

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Mine was when i had to knife fight a clown i knew it was too death also because i saw the clown brutally murder my 2 close friends, and it was in such good detail, like the stab wounds and them falling to there death, before i was next to go, i just woke uip with sweat all over, then i turned on my AC and tv and stayed awake lol

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Lets see,so many dreams that have scarred me for life...


Oh,this one.


I was sitting up from my bed slightly. It was dark yet not dark. It was cloudy outside and it gave the house a blueish dim light through the windows. I looked out my door,which was wide open,and saw shadows FLOATING across the hallway. They were black as night. When I looked at my closet mirror,there were black things floating around the reflection. I stood up and walked out slowly. I walked to my parents' room and I stared from the doorway. It was pitched black. (All windows were closed shut) I could see three figures laying down on the bed ontop of eachother. I couldn't tell who they were. I backed away and turned to see floating creatures just standing there. They wore snow white cloaks that were torned appart a bit. The only thing visible were their mouths. Their skin seemed old,wrinklely,and a bit torn. Like if they were decaying away. They slowly opened their mouths unhumanly large,showing their almost rotten teeth,and screamed real loud. Their scream was extremely loud and in a very high note. I covered my ears and I felt the house shake and started to come appart at the scene. That's when I woke up.


After re-search and with the help of some members (I had posted this strange nightmare on here at the personal seccion),I found out that they might of been Banshee. Mystical creatures that lurk between the living world and the afterlife. It is said that they appear and scream whenever death is near.


Their cloaks were similar to this:


Posted Image



Their mouths opened like this:


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Lets see,so many dreams that have scarred me for life...


Oh,this one.


I was sitting up from my bed slightly. It was dark yet not dark. It was cloudy outside and it gave the house a blueish dim light through the windows. I looked out my door,which was wide open,and saw shadows FLOATING across the hallway. They were black as night. When I looked at my closet mirror,there were black things floating around the reflection. I stood up and walked out slowly. I walked to my parents' room and I stared from the doorway. It was pitched black. (All windows were closed shut) I could see three figures laying down on the bed ontop of eachother. I couldn't tell who they were. I backed away and turned to see floating creatures just standing there. They wore snow white cloaks that were torned appart a bit. The only thing visible were their mouths. Their skin seemed old,wrinklely,and a bit torn. Like if they were decaying away. They slowly opened their mouths unhumanly large,showing their almost rotten teeth,and screamed real loud. Their scream was extremely loud and in a very high note. I covered my ears and I felt the house shake and started to come appart at the scene. That's when I woke up.


After re-search and with the help of some members (I had posted this strange nightmare on here at the personal seccion),I found out that they might of been Banshee. Mystical creatures that lurk between the living world and the afterlife. It is said that they appear and scream whenever death is near.


Their cloaks were similar to this:


Posted Image



Their mouths opened like this:





wow very intense o.o a banshee huh? could mine been have one. but still thats really weird.... and cool at the same time!! :DD

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The most recent worst one I had was about 3 months ago? Idk why I had it, but basically - I was running away from someone/something and they ended up slitting both of my calves open :/ and I have a slight fear of blood. Yea it was pretty weird. xD

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my worst nightmare was when i was making this club wild cats and stuff like that.


my charatar cheetah girl had woken up after having a member throw a clipboard at her.they explained that every mutant in the world was kidnapped and we need to save them.when we got to the mansion that the mutnats were at we were all captured.a mad scientest had made a machine that could make mutants become his slaves and he used it on my charater.she had become his slave and he told her to kill panther girl my best friend in real life.then the guy from x-men the one that can disappear and reappear somewhere else she had to slit his throat.that was when i woke up on the air vent burning up.

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my worst nightmare was when i was making this club wild cats and stuff like that.


my charatar cheetah girl had woken up after having a member throw a clipboard at her.they explained that every mutant in the world was kidnapped and we need to save them.when we got to the mansion that the mutnats were at we were all captured.a mad scientest had made a machine that could make mutants become his slaves and he used it on my charater.she had become his slave and he told her to kill panther girl my best friend in real life.then the guy from x-men the one that can disappear and reappear somewhere else she had to slit his throat.that was when i woke up on the air vent burning up.



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the girl from "silent hill" came out of my closet and got near me with a weird smile and she tried to eat me ;.

other one was I saw slender man wen I was out with my friend but I woke up wen I saw him.


Edited by *Rikku*

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Was raped by slenderman. In my dream I was in my bedroom (instead of somewhere remote) and my mother's room is 2 doors away, I woke myself up shouting for her when (in my dream) Slenderman paralyzed me and sort of stretched blocking the door in blackness when I tried to call out for her. Weird thing was in my dream he was slabbering all over my neck and when I woke up my neck was wet, I was sitting thinking "Did that really fxcking happen?" and couldn't get to sleep for an hour ):


Worse feeling in a dream I have though was one where I lost my teeth. The feeling of having no control and being helpless to stop was strong in both dreams.

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About 2 years ago I was walking down a corridor and turned to my left and I saw these twins,a boy and a girl. They were about 7, they looked so innocent. I stared at them and out of nowhere their faces just stretched and their eyes fell out leaving two black holes which kept on growing and growing, they grew really long tongues and teeth then lunged at me and tried to eat me. The really scary part was that the whole dream was in slow motion. I saw every last detail of their face changing, and witnessed them leap at me. It was so slow yet I couldn't do a single thing about it, I was just stuck. Can you imagine that?


The other one was when I was about 4 and dream insects were crawling all over me, and all over the floor in my bedroom, literally thousands with a snail sliding up my bedpost. I jumped all the way out and ran for my parents room, and when I woke up...that's where I was. My sister says the whole thing was a dream but I still think that was real! It was too vivid to be just a dream. But where did all the insects and the snail go?

Edited by Winner's Proof

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Was raped by slenderman. In my dream I was in my bedroom (instead of somewhere remote) and my mother's room is 2 doors away, I woke myself up shouting for her when (in my dream) Slenderman paralyzed me and sort of stretched blocking the door in blackness when I tried to call out for her. Weird thing was in my dream he was slabbering all over my neck and when I woke up my neck was wet, I was sitting thinking "Did that really fxcking happen?" and couldn't get to sleep for an hour ):


Worse feeling in a dream I have though was one where I lost my teeth. The feeling of having no control and being helpless to stop was strong in both dreams.


Raped by a tentacle man....EUGH! That's just horrible

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If my dreams are anything to go by then I am a big psycho... or rather was. I dreamed that a few years ago:


I was running towards a person, dunno why. When I reached him and grabbed his shoulder to see the face it was one of my friends.


Da creepy part:

I, somehow, had a nice knife with me and pretty much killed him... that was rather disturbing.


I prefer the dreams I had as a little girl-boy-thingie:

A bear who tries to sell me watches!

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Raped by a tentacle man....EUGH! That's just horrible


I didn't even think about slenderman beforehand and just knew he was meant to be a scary figure .__.'

I still found it worse losing my teeth in a dream though xD

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I had a dream that, inside my strangely clean house, I was pregnant and my Mom just asked me something about when the baby was coming. I followed her into the living room and my little sister and brother kept both smiling and not smiling on our brown couch. Afterwards I threw up blood on the carpet, got a piercing headache, felt dizzy and my eyesight blurred a little. I looked up a little and my Mom told me not to move and told my little sister to get a bucket of hot water and a towel. My brother walked up to me and told me not to move too much. After a momentary silence, my stomach split open and a bunch of blood and decaying hands spilled out. I fell on my knees and the hands all began slowly and painfully ripping my skin off piece by piece. I started crying and, near the end of the dream when the hands were ripping out my eyes, I heard a little girl scream; over and over the girl's voice kept screaming "Mommy! Mommy! Are you okay! Mommy!" repeatedly up until the dream completely ended.


The thing that really made that dream scary (on top of the ridiculously realistic appearance and sound of everything) was the feel of everything. Everything, from walking around the house, to the hands ripping me apart and the little girl scream, all felt extremely realistic. When I woke up my Mom just stared at me; apparently I screamed earlier and told my Mom to protect my non-existent daughter.

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lol I'm a sissy. I don't have dreams about ghosts or demons or murderers. No, I have dreams about snakes.... Wtf, right? I'm probably afraid of snakes and spiders more than anything, but in my dreams, my phobia is A MILLION TIMES WORSE. I've had a dream that has recurred twice so far about snakes. Here goes : The field at my school (which is quite large) had snakes pretty much EVERYWHERE on it. Most were alive. I'm such a sissy, that in my dream, I was so paralyzed I wouldn't walk past one. Eventually, I ended up moving, I just don't know why. When I get to this side walk that leads to the building, I always see kids in my grade going back to class from lunch. Most are being attacked by, guess what? Snakes. Some are brutally murdered by those snakes. Some are just cool and kill the snakes. But this one kid, Craig, who I'm pretty good friends with in real life, always has to walk up to me with this huge white snake. He's all "Hey, look at this! Isn't it cool?" to which I respond " NO GET IT AWAY FROM ME!" Eventually, I realize that I'm freaking out way too much, but I still wake up shuddering. Some of the snakes aren't even scary, it's just that I feel scared near them, even if they aren't causing the fear... Does that make sense?



Oh, and just cuz I haven't had a dream about ghosts or anything yet doesn't mean I never will. This has just been my "scariest" nightmare that I can remember. lol I'll probably have nightmares of ghosts tonight.

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