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What's your worst nightmare you've ever had?

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I'm bored so I wanna know what are the scariest nightmares you've ever had?


Edit: Please try to describe your dream in detail too

Edited by Stigma

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a giant human sized spider coming in through the bathroom door without warning and slowly creeping up.


I HATE spiders to death! I can imagine you probably shit your pants right?

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In the middle of the woods, pitch black out. Walking around without a flashlight (or glowstick), out of no where.....BAM Slenderman shows up. He chased after me with the speed of Slenderman but I booked it out of there like no other.


Ironicly happened after playing Slender like 2 weeks ago. Scared me to death xD

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are you sure?


The worst nightmare I ever had was like the end of the world. =_= I was trying to keep my sisters alive after my parents have already killed by a man dressed in black. The man in black was fallowing me.


I really dont remember the rest, I was like 4.


I still think I see the man dressed in black, watching my EVERY MOVE... :unsure:

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I don't remember much of my nightmares, but I do remember my most current one.


My school is invaded by zombies, and when I try to bust out, a demon catches me and brutally kills me. That's all I remember.

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In the middle of the woods, pitch black out. Walking around without a flashlight (or glowstick), out of no where.....BAM Slenderman shows up. He chased after me with the speed of Slenderman but I booked it out of there like no other.


Ironicly happened after playing Slender like 2 weeks ago. Scared me to death xD


Yeha I'm to much of a wimp to play that game lol

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are you sure?


The worst nightmare I ever had was like the end of the world. =_= I was trying to keep my sisters alive after my parents have already killed by a man dressed in black. The man in black was fallowing me.


I really dont remember the rest, I was like 4.


I still think I see the man dressed in black, watching my EVERY MOVE... :unsure:


That's just....godamn creepy! :mellow:

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Well I had three worst dreams.

The third worse is just a case of Sleep Paralysis, which is scare as firetruck.

The second worse was that I woke up, and my room had spiders. EVERYWHERE.

And I honestly think the worst dream so far was that my dad had died... and the worst part is that I was telling my friends about it like I didn't even care.

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Well I had three worst dreams.

The third worse is just a case of Sleep Paralysis, which is scare as firetruck.

The second worse was that I woke up, and my room had spiders. EVERYWHERE.

And I honestly think the worst dream so far was that my dad had died... and the worst part is that I was telling my friends about it like I didn't even care.


Spiders again?!?!? Ugh I hate those damn things, and lol that's creepy your friends must of been like "What the firetruck?" lol

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I honestly don't remember much about it. It was pretty firetrucking disturbing.



I was in some kind of medical facility, where I was helping the doctors with some kind of experiments. We were dissecting people and whatnot (most of them alive) and my sister was up next. And all I did was hand the doctor the tools. I remember considering giving her a painkiller, but I didn't see any lying around, so I just stopped looking. It was the only dream I ever had where I woke up and went to see if everything in the real world was alright. That fact alone scared the crap out of my mom, but I've never actually taked about the dream before.



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I've had worse nightmares but here's a prominent one that likes to come back to haunt me every once in a while.


That Tyrannosaurus Rex from Jurassic Park? 'Nuff said.


I love dinosaurs but when I dream of that T-Rex, I started crying a little when I wake up from whichever nightmare it starred in.


I'm weird, guys. o-o

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I honestly don't remember much about it. It was pretty firetrucking disturbing.



I was in some kind of medical facility, where I was helping the doctors with some kind of experiments. We were dissecting people and whatnot (most of them alive) and my sister was up next. And all I did was hand the doctor the tools. I remember considering giving her a painkiller, but I didn't see any lying around, so I just stopped looking. It was the only dream I ever had where I woke up and went to see if everything in the real world was alright. That fact alone scared the crap out of my mom, but I've never actually taked about the dream before.




I had a dream like that too. Except it was with some of my original characters. I remember a part where my character Stiles got stabbed straight in the spine with a knife...

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I honestly don't remember much about it. It was pretty firetrucking disturbing.



I was in some kind of medical facility, where I was helping the doctors with some kind of experiments. We were dissecting people and whatnot (most of them alive) and my sister was up next. And all I did was hand the doctor the tools. I remember considering giving her a painkiller, but I didn't see any lying around, so I just stopped looking. It was the only dream I ever had where I woke up and went to see if everything in the real world was alright. That fact alone scared the crap out of my mom, but I've never actually taked about the dream before.




Wow. This is probably the best most creepy nightmare I've gotten yet!

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I was really little I don't remember how young I was. I watched the scene from Beetle Juice where they find the dead woman hanging in the closet and her eyes bug out and she screeches. I was also afraid of the live action Grinch movie at the time, so I had this dream where the grinch was chasing me around my house and doing that eyes bugging out screaming thing. It was really freaky.

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I was really little I don't remember how young I was. I watched the scene from Beetle Juice where they find the dead woman hanging in the closet and her eyes bug out and she screeches. I was also afraid of the live action Grinch movie at the time, so I had this dream where the grinch was chasing me around my house and doing that eyes bugging out screaming thing. It was really freaky.


Holy shiz. I've never seen Beetlejuice but that sounds pretty creepy. And how can you be afraid of the Grinch? That movie cracks me up every time I watch it! Lol

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Man, I have the most messed up dreams. Let's see...


Dinosaurs come to life and kill me,


toys come to life and kill me,


meteor shower occurs and kills me,


zombie invasion kills me,


and my math teacher decides to go postal on the class and kills me.


Tell me if you see a recurring theme here.

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are you sure?


The worst nightmare I ever had was like the end of the world. =_= I was trying to keep my sisters alive after my parents have already killed by a man dressed in black. The man in black was fallowing me.


I really dont remember the rest, I was like 4.


I still think I see the man dressed in black, watching my EVERY MOVE... :unsure:



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