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Final Fantasy Versus xiii

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What's the betting odds we have some people basically say "Screw FF, I want KH3"? I want to bet some cash.


Final Fantasy Versus XIII being completed will help make Kingdom Hearts III better as it will use the same game engine.


Plus what would be the point of six or so years of work if they don't finish it?


What everyone has to understand that despite how much you want KH3 the Final Fantasy series is much bigger than Kingdom Hearts. It's also a lot more popular so FF comes first.

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What's it been over 6 years then Versus better be the best final fantasy game ever.


But what happened to Duke Nukem? Being made for several years and everyone returned it, it was sooo bad. Hopefully knowing Square it wont but if it doesn't, i just hope they don't say what i think Ubisoft said (not sure if it was them or someone else) "we are having a tough time because the nex gen consoles are not out and were our ticket to great games"

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