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KHDays favorite organization couples

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Axel and Roxas

Axel and Demyx

Demyx and Saix

Demyx and Xigbar

Marluxia and Vexen

Marluxia and Axel

Saix and Xemnas

Xemnas and Xigbar

Xemnas and Demyx

Demyx and Roxas

Zexion and Lexaeus

Demyx and Xaldin

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Does Namine count, since she has ties to the Org? NamiZeku. ADORE them. If not, then...


Demyx and Xion. I claim inventor's rights to that, since I've never seen it before.

Luxord and Larxene. It's just so perfect. I was debating who should be with Larx, either Marly or Axel. It never occured to me to use my third favorite with her... I wondered if I had invented that too, but thank God I found some tribs on Youtube.


I have to admit I like a little Zemyx once in a while. Just a little taste. I hate yaoi, but a few seconds of two sexy dudes lovin' on each other is fun. >D They're like my crack pair.


I never understood LexZex. I can understand how they'd be close, since Alaeus probably was very protective of Ienzo... but that's it.


Even though they're never shown together in a scene, since Zexy and Demy are my favorites(and objects of my fangirlism) I always had them besties in my fandom. Then I developed a loving of Luxy. So now I treat Zexy, Demy, and Luxy like Axel-Roxas-Xion: a trio, three close friends. Zexy and Demy being ultimate besties, and then them and Luxy besties. I know it's weird and makes no sense, but I love it. I call it my Rowdyruff Boys Complex - Every fandom I have, the three dudes I love the most must be a trio, and my two favorites of that are special besties. I developed it when my looooong(and still running)Rowdyruff Boys obsession matured, me loving the three of them together(they're brothers, also) and having Butch, my ultimate favorite, and Boomer, my second favorite, super close. It's quite fun, actually. Good generation for fanfiction and fanart ideas.

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