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Just Be Yourself!

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Ashiri notices the other people in the room.

"Oh, I'm sorry, these headphones are so noise-canceling I couldn't hear anybody talk!"

She rips out her headphones and her face turns red.

"I'm really sorry, I'm not one to chat. . ."

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Ertyx sighs. "Not much, just couldn't find a place to replace my tire and I won't have a day off until the first day of my vacation to go do it. Therefore, it'll cut into my vacation." Ertyx grabs some food and begins to eat.

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"That's cool."

. . .

"Uh, I mean, not cool! It isn't cool at all. Anything but cool."

Ashiri sinks in her chair and puts her headphones back in.

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Ashiri pulls out a pepper from the garden and eats it slowly as she pulls her iPad out. (which came from out of nowhere)

She listens to Paramore and enters lala land.

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Nohjx quickly walks in to the corner while hiding his face and slumps in to the darkness. "Why the firetruck am I even here...who are you people anyway..." Puts his pokeball themed headphones in and continues to just sit there.

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"Meatbag? I'm a vegan, but I don't think your insufficient little mind could handle that. I don't eat meat because the government just processes it, and I don't trust the government." Nohjx starts to burn the part of the corner.

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