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Just Be Yourself!

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" i feel like canada".sits down on couch and growls slightly." veh tenerlo fresco".starts peting kitty." oi rikku you can sit down if you want to".

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" me too i hate being treated canada".starts banging head on wall lightly." i wrote a story a few tomes and they still don't notice me half the time".puts donw cat and drinks last bit of tea.

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"I know!! I sit there and talk and no one responds... or listens." *shrugs.* "But that also means I can easily slip into my room when company is over~"

*Finishes cookie and pulls out a sketchpad and begins drawing*

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" hey what are you drawing can i see"?looks over at averagegoddess." wait who has heard of dark woods circus or alice human sacrifice".looks at everyone then sighs.

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