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Lu Xun

Do you think that the choice of new worlds for KH3D was good or bad?

Do you think that the choice of new worlds for KH3D was good or bad?   

192 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think that the choice of new worlds for KH3D was good or bad?

    • I think it was great! The new worlds are truly nice!
    • I think it was good... Could be better, though.
    • More or less.... They aren't that nice.....
    • They were horrible... There were so many good worlds they could've chosen...
    • Can't answer since I don't care about KH3D..

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Do you think that the choice of new worlds for KH3D was good or bad?


Yes, I think they are nice worlds ;)


What about you guys?


Vote in the option that best fits your opinion and share your thoughts in post! Everybody's welcomed to participate in the discussion!

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Loved them! Payed tribute to 2 classic Mickey movies, Pinocchio finally had a world to himself rather than just a whale, they switched up Traverse Town, brought in the new Tron which was a smart move after using Space Paranoids, and they have my favorite movie of all time, The Hunchback of Notre Dame in there! Great world choices as always!

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I think its a good thing. I just love the new worlds that are introduced. I hate repeats, cause the story really doesn't change if you keep a world. Example: Halloween town, Beast's Castle, Hercules' world. Need I say more?

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New worlds mean new characters to meet and to explore

and less repetition of other worlds. *cough* Agrabah *cough*

It also brings more beautiful world themes and battle themes 83




I like the new worlds. From what I've seen they are fabulous 8D

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i think they did really great. hunchback of notre dam has always been on my list for kh but i really wanted a final fantasy world. just one. when the worlds were being revealed for this game i was wishing for them to do like ff7 or 10 or something.


but other than that, i think they really listened to what fans wanted. cause when i look at the world list, i think of the threads about what new worlds we all want and the majority are in the game.

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I can't tell since I haven't played it yet but, Tron Legacy looks pretty cool. Probably gonna miss the lack of FF characters but the TWEWY characters will probably make up for it.

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They were horrible... There were so many good worlds they could've chosen...


At least they aren't reusing the other worlds like they did with CoM and Re:Coded >.> I think it'll be fine :3

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At least they aren't reusing the other worlds like they did with CoM and Re:Coded >.> I think it'll be fine :3


I would have preferred the worlds they used before.

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"I think it was good... Could be better, though."


I haven't played it yet, so I can't actually judge but, since I saw the worlds that were going to be in the game I wasn't too exited about them, so that's why I think they could be better. Like Prankster's Paradise, I've seen screenshots of Riku inside Monstro, I don't want to play inside Monstro anymore, I'm tired of it already. And Country of the Musketeers, I don't think the movie is that great.


I'm exited about Traverse Town, The Grid (even though I hate Space Paranoids), The Symphony of Sorcery and La Cité des Cloches.


But i guess they made the best they could at the moment? disney have A LOT of movies, but many of them just doesn't suit as a playable world, like The Fox and the Hound, I love that movie, but it would be ultra boring to use it as a world on Kingdom Hearts... I also like Pocahontas and Brother Bear, but I don't know if they would fit well in the game.

Edited by Caio Montoro

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I LOVE them. I'm not complaining at all but more worlds would have been nice. I think you can revisit them and all to finish the world story like in KH I and II but either way the more the better. But I'm still really happy EVERYTHING turned out. It's gonna be FANTASTIC.

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i, for one, love them! they are also huge worlds that give almost limit-less possibilities! I love that tron legacy is here, and the world that never was is a long time favorite of mine! not to mention traverse town!

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