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I got a question.

Why did you make this?


I already responded to Golden Ultima by saying: I DO WHAT I WANT. I had planned on making this earlier today, but I had to go to work. I come home to find that it's being overdone. But, oh well, I repeat, I do what I want.



Mister Lord Master King Queen Sama Ertyx,why you hate the darkness?


I do not hate the darkness.


How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?


I'm not going to lie. When I was at work I spent some of that time thinking that someone would ask me this and I decided that it would depend on the woodchuck's need or desire to chuck the aforementioned wood.

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How much longer will this madness that is "ask threads" continue?

What is your opinion on there being an "ask section"?


I already said, not much longer.


I don't really care how many there are. The answers and questions will vary depending on the OP of the thread.

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I was going to make one of these ;~;


But I have some questions.


Has DC ever tempted you to get into a white van before?

Has Aaron ever slapped you?

Has Koko ever tried to convert you to her faith? (Kawaiinity)

Do you ever want to be a male mod?

Are you annoyed with the questions I'm making?

Don't care answer them

Edited by Kingdom Sora

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Have you played Super Contra also does your mom have a dick


No and I don't think so.


I was going to make one of these ;~;


But I have some questions.


Has DC ever tempted you to get into a white van before?

Has Aaron ever slapped you?

Has Koko ever tried to convert you to her faith? (Kawaiinity)

Do you ever want to be a male mod?

Are you annoyed with the questions I'm making?

Don't care answer them


No, it was green.


If she did then she's damn good at it, because I didn't notice.

That would be pretty cool, but I'm fine with just being a member.

Nope, this is what you're supposed to do.

I did.

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What is the meaning of life ?

What came first the chicken or the egg?

Why do we always ask why ?

Do you think there will ever be a real zombie apocalypse?

Do you think there are really aliens or are we alone in the universe ?


Death, because that's what we always reach at the end of life.

The chicken, I suppose.

Because humans are naturally curious creatures.

Maybe if more than 60% of the world decides to simultaneously expose themselves to bath salts.

I think there are. I have a hard time believing that we're the only ones in the WHOLE universe.

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Ertyx why are you so lazy?

Ertyx is the sun going to kill us or are we going to kill it?

Ertyx what is a bird?

Ertyx what is going on?

Ertyx if we were in a warzone and you see chickens as being the opponent, would you eat them or fight them?



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