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Hey, guys. Firaga here. Sorry for no threads yesterday, as I was enjoying seeing dogs do stunts with frisbees, my dad volunteer in a clown act, and seeing Uncle Kracker live in concert. All at the Stanislaus County Fair.


However, I'm back, and today in this KH character discussion thread...we will be discussing a certain someone so fearsome....so terrible....so mindbendingly adept in the power of DARKNESS...that those of you with weak constitutions may want to leave the website.




Too late! :D


Ready or not here he comes...quake with fear, you mortal fools! BOW DOWN TO THE AWESOME MIGHT OF....


XEHANORT!!!! ..... / Ansem, SoD / Xemnas / Young Xehanort / Terra-nort / No Heart / ....aw, shit! :angry: Why do there have to be so many versions of this guy??!! Ruined my big finish.... http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png


Anyways, all forms of Xehanort, the catalyst of the current Kingdom Hearts storyline, are the stars of this thread. So, yeah, for the most part, refer to his main incarnations when you speak of him depending on what game he is from (i.e. KH1 = Ansem, SoD / KH2 = Xemnas, etc.) We can all assume what form you are refering to based on the game, anyway.


OK, enough jabber. Leave your thoughts below. (BTW, if you have any suggestions for any characters from a different game series you would like me to post, say them now! I'm running out of KH characters! :( )

  • KH1: DARKNESS! (see KH Abridged for reference) :D
  • COM: So...uh, not much for changing up your moveset, are we?
  • KH2: Voice = Epic. Moveset = Epic. Death = Epic. No complaints for Manse--I mean Xemnas.
  • Days: Did he call Roxas "Sora"? http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.png
  • BBS: Evil....and wrinkly / (No Heart Boss) DAMN!
  • Coded: Uh...don't remeber much of him...
  • DDD: Oh...you firetrucking genius. ;) KH3 = Shit hits fan.
Edited by Firaga96

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KH1- Smexy

CoM- cant get the 'smell' outta my head ever since Riku said it .

KH2- your voice makes me horny

Days- Playing you in mission mode sucked .Your powers werent properly represented.

BBB- Old crusty pedophile, anyone ?


DDD- I want to smack the shit outta your creepy smug face.

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kh1: Sexy...voice...I'd listen to him go on about darkness all he wants...

CoM: Your voice...changed...aren't you dead yet?

KH2: OMG He's so sinister and manipulative...cool hair

Days: Oooh sinister. Sucky to play as though.


Coded: ...was he here? A game without Xehanort!? AHHHH!!!! Another reason coded sucks

DDD: Firetruck you are sly!


And the spongebob reference made me laugh a lot ^^

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  • KH1: So, that guy in the brown robe is the main antagonist? So much for Maleficent and her fellow Disney villains.
  • CoM: Ansem must really smell! Either that, or I'm a little concerned for Riku.
  • KH2: So, Ansem isn't really Ansem, but an identity thief! Okay, so "Ansem" was just some scientist's Heartless? And Xemnas is his nobody? Springing a little too much on me for one game...
  • Days: What does Xemnas do, while Saix plays messenger? Does he just stare at Kingdom Hearts all day?
  • BbS: Master... Xehanort? How many of one person can there be?! Oh look, it's Ansem.
  • Coded: Wait, because both "Ansem" and Xemnas are defeated, that Master Xehanort guy is returning?! Should have seen that one coming.
  • DDD (Trailer): "Ansem" is back? Wait, how? And so is Xemnas? Man, these guys just don't respect defeat.

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  • KH1: What he says to Sora before attack Maleficent,it's epic!"...Became darkness by itself!".He's awesome!
  • COM: You think you will get Riku again?!Never!Still awesome!
  • KH2: Xemnas!I'm your biggest fan!Your words,your voice!And....we've defeated a FAKE ANSEM!TCH!
  • Days: The true organization leader is Sai'x'!Xemnas does nothing,just take Xion away from me ='(
  • BBS: Xehanort...in KH2 you're not a old grandpa!Hmm,i liked you!But i think you in Terra,is more awesome!
  • Coded: You don't apear in this game....just,OMG YOU'RE BACK!
  • DDD: Xehanort!Now everything makes sense!You,Ansem,Xemnas,YMX....everything....ALL XEHANORT IS BACK!YMX is so awesome!His words...

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KH1: * laughs at how many times he said darkness* Your so crazy Ansem SOD

COM: Zexion: He smells like the Superior. Me: ? Oh you mean Xemnas.Yeah I kind of figured.

KH2: It's the guy who's not ansem, but sexier! It's Xemnas. I'm a fan of him and I say hes more sane than the fake Ansem.

Days: Axel: I'm almost there * exhausted and then he falls on the ground* *Xemnas walks by and picks up Xion* Xemnas : Mine Bitches.

BBS: I don't like the way he used Terra. It creeped me out, plus I felt bad for Aqua more than Ventus.

DDD(trailer): He looks like Xemnas. Why?

Edited by moonlightmidnight

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KH1: Fugly Final Form.

CoM: I have to wonder what darkness smells like... maybe it smells like purple.

KH2: You should teach speech classes.

Days: See above.

BBS: Methinks you have some odd tastes. And if Xemnas should teach speech, you should teach acting.

coded: Haven't played.

DDD: You magnificent bastard, you.

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KH1: Billy Zane! Epic speech at Th End Of The World, in Destiny Islands. Darkness!

KHCoM: Okay. You're haunting Riku like a ghost. Anything new? You're obsessed with Riku.

KH2: So, Ansem's the Heartless. Xemnas's the Nobody. That explains why Xehanort looks like them.

KHD: Xemnas did something to Xion. That's why she attacked Roxas. (I think.)

KHBbS: Master Xehanort, you old man. How can you be so strong when you fight? And, you started all of this Kingdom Hearts mess!

KHDDD: Everything makes sense now. How there are different versions of you, why everything happened, and what you set up for KH3. You old, but smart, tactician.

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KH1~"Wtf is that?Dont trust 'em Riku dat guy dont sit right wit me"


CoM~Why cant you just leave Riku alone!!And his sudden ability to smell like Pluto


KH2~Hmm Why is it that everything he says sounds so Epic?


Days~What do you do all day have Manse- oh wait lol


BBS~What a sinister douche and a Perfect Villain


DDD~Mind Blown this guy is officially the greatest Villain of all time/I cant believe he looked that cool when he was younger, around 100 years ago.

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BBB- Old crusty pedophile, anyone ?



KH1 - Ansem - mm what kind of name its ansem http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.png

CoM:hahaha you must be one stinky person if riku can smell your from distance , go take shower(yea that thing you never do in KH)

KH2 - Wait wait wait , waht ? who imposter ? who ansem ? real ? fake ? xemnas ? *brain gonna explode*

bbs;You are one crazy pervent(and im talking about the scene in the end when terranort sent his hand to aqua breast)

DayS:Hey XEMNAS why can't you tell roxas the truth ? i hate you ! really bda at missions mode

DDD:My brain exploded already leave me alone now.


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