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Fates Chance

KH3D confusion about the grid being in 3d

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ok, if the sleeping worlds are worlds that were consumed by darkness and werent fully restored and are since in a state of sleep, then why is the grid there?


the grid was in kh2 so if it had been consumed by darkness- and restored in kh1-it being in kh2 means it was restored properly and shouldnt be asleep.


is anyone eles confused? is there an interview i missed where someone explains this that i just missed or something?

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The Grid wasn't technicly in KH2, The Grid was dropped in to darkness, before that happened, Ansem The Wise copied it on to his computer, Space Paranoids, which we visited in KH2, The Grid is the original world.

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hm...i vaguely remember that being mentioned. i havent played kh2 in a while but what youre saying does ring a bell....thanks!


Tron mentions it.

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