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What made you fall in love with kh?

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The first one I played was the one that started the franchise, Kingdom Hearts 1.


What got me hooked was that Disney characters were in it. And, it looked fun to play.


Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories for the Gameboy Advance. Really hooked me, and from then on, it was the story that kept me going.

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Well I played days first, then after i completed it,..


I decided to find every other kingdom hearts games i could find in stores, even ebay, so I could play it and understand the story more, then it just made completely addicted to it, because it was just that good.

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When it came out my brother bought it for himself but I wanted to play it, badly.


Basically I was 4 or 5 around that time and since it had Disney characters it really got me hooked onto it.

I played through the game, remembering everything that happened.

I played it countless times though, so about the time that I was 6 or 7 I played COM which I barely finished due to Captain Hook. (Later I finished it in KH RE:COM)

I then played KH2 when I was like 8 or 9 and it was amazing but it had so many plot holes omg.

Of course we fought over the game, me and my brother got mad at me for playing KH1 countless times and fighting Jafar (WHICH IS ONE OF MY MOST FAVORITE BATTLES) that he broke it ;n;

But then I bought a new one and blah blah.


So that's how I got hooked onto it ^w^



Now: Hmmmmm *thinking*


Thank god for a complex story though.

Edited by Shana09

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Well where do I start

First one I played was kh2 and the story, characters, the emotion and the fact you could go to Disney worlds (because I love Disney!!) for me hooked for a bit

Then I played kh1 and it reminded me of my personal life (ok I had two friends that were boys and they both reminded me of sora and riku and then we all got seperated: ( ) then I got a bit more hooked

Then I started to love he music, sora (and some other people but mainly sora) of course the story and everything that makes it a kh game

and then I realised IM A KH LOVER!!!!


(continued from my first comment)

After playing kh2 I was like this is soooo confusing so I decided to play the other titles to help me make sence of it and before I knew it I was hooked

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My desire to tap that so hard it'd break. RAWR


Oh and the story was great, and it looked like fun. Now I can't live without KH because it's so wonderful lovely.

Edited by Kirux

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First one I played was kingdom hearts 1. My friend told me about it so I got it on my 8th birthday. It was so strange and I loved it so much! But I think what really made me fall in love was the opening video. I would start a new game, watch the opening, turn off my PS2, and do it all over again for hours. haha It has been 9 years for me since I first got into the series and I am just as much in love with it as I was when I first played it :)




And I find it strange that so many people started with days hahaha I think that would be an extremely confusing game to start with

Edited by Hooserdaddy45

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Well I got KH2 first don't ask becuase, I saw some commercal where mickey had a keyblade and, he was fighting heartless or some stuff.

I was only 7 at the time

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There are a lot of reasons why I love it so much this game..... But the most important in this is about the Strong Connection with our best friends, and The Friends are the most important in this world, without friends in the real world.... How we can live? I need to give Thanks to a friend, because he is the person who told me about this amazing game and the other reasons is because since I was a kid I loved everything about Disney..... Thanks Ian.....

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I played KH1 first. At first I was like "Disney? That's a stupid sounding game" but the commercial did look really cool. Then a friend let me borrow it was actually pretty good. Riku was awesome being evil, but my favorite scene was in Hollow Bastion when Sora stabs himself with the keyblade because I'm a fan of heroic sacrifice.

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My first game that had a story was kh. It was amazing, making a game with the depth of a movie was unbelievable to me when I was young, but when I saw that they put Disney into it, that just made me so happy, as I got older I began to understand it on a deeper level, I saw how dark and cruel the world was, I might have just gone and become a jerk myself if I didn't learn about how the kh idea was started, how a idea as big and pure started in an elevator, two companies, the thing I was brought up to consider full of greed, who only ever try to gain more power worked together, with only the interest of making a fun game for the world, I don't just see a story about hearts in the franchise, I see a little glimmer of humanity and real kindness, that is why I love kh, it taught me that even in the greatest cruelness of the world, there can still be hope

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The entire first game. It's likely because I played it when I was younger, but that's how it goes sometimes.

It seemed like something that could happen in a child's head; the villains all conspiring together, monsters of darkness, the worlds that felt both epic and true to their material. Wonderful, plain and simple.

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Well, THE BACKSTORY. When I was younger I seemed to have this irritational fear of dying in game, like, I fully became enveloped in the game had the mindset "IF CRASH BANDICOOT DIES I WILL DIE D:" (I had a really irrational fear of the skeletons in Ocarina)

so normally when playing a game i'd do really easy bits, get to the hard bits and be like "daddy..... do this for me"

Well, when I was 9 (or 8 ----- adding the "-" to get rid of the smiley face that appeared)my father left us, so I didn't really game thinking "no point, no ones here to stop me dying"

Then, KH2's commercial came out on tv near christmas. With the disney and all (and I don't care how old I am i'll always be a fan of disney) i thought it looked really cool, so I looked into it, then I thought to myself "oh it's fighting, I can't do that"

Later on I saw some video footage of it in a fan-made AMV for "Not Gonna Get Us" by TaTu. I thought it looked so awesome, and hadn't put a lot on my xmas list so decided to get it and try it.


It was the first game I played fully by myself and really is the one that turned me into a gamer. I over-came my fear of dying too! Huuzah. The year after I got KH1 at xmas, then days another xmas, and BBS with bday money (didn't want anything that much til I saw BBS, so I bought it with a PSP) and got a used 3DS for DDD(given to me as a gift). Slowly and surely i'll have them all....

Edited by Caity Raindrop

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Hmph that's a dificult question. Well it's mostly because I grew playing KH and it has a more emotional meaning to me that any other game. I liked the characters and the way the story was flowing. It was becoming nicer and nicer with every world passed. Then CoM came out and then KH 2, When I played KH2 I knew I was in love with this game. And again if I could go to the past I would again buy this game and have fun with it. To tell the truth I'm playing KH now not just for the gameplay but mostly for the storyline I want to see how far it can still go. IDK if I'll be intrested after Xehanort Saga is over but KH will always be in my heart and my favorite and best game I have ever played. KH FAN FOR AN ETERNITY

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