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Uncle Dolan

RUMOR - Final Fantasy Versus XIII is Dead

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Sadly, it's plausible. Almost a decade of development, and so many absences from TGS and E3, it all kinda pieces together like a puzzle. I'm going to take this with a 50/50 chance rate of it being true. Discuss. :(



Edited by Uncle Dolan

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I wouldn't mind them canceling versus XIII cuz it's cutting into the KH team's time but I don't thnk they should dumP the project, I enjoyed that trailer and would like tO see a ffxv Like that

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-.- Noctis is cool. Otherwise, it's a whole lot of flop. I'm not really interested in 'XIII' or 'versus' anything, I just think Noctis looks pretty. Would I have played it? Nope. Did any of my friends even like the original XIII? Nope. They beat it in two days tops and it's been collecting dust ever since: 'More of a movie than a game.' they said.


I'm hoping they can find some other way to resurrect their overall designs in some other form later. It is, I admit, a pity.


But let's face it. We all know what we really want: that darn Final Fantasy 7 remake. Amirite?

Edited by ssceles

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On the other hand, one of the developers said that an X-box version was being "looked into".


I'd rather have this be on X-box *twitch* then not have it at all.

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I stil Hope for FF versus 13, it's true that it make KH3 late, but shouldn't they be almost done with the game?, I mean they should release a date soon, so in both cases we will have KH3 soon, so having both games is better than one game.

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That was before it was 'cancelled'?


true, but i dont think it is, we'll see at their next event or when the IP is up for renewal

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So they waste 6 years making a game that looked amazing and they just cut the rope on it? Damn SE, but atleast they can get started on KH3, I just hope it doesn't take as long as FF13V did...I don't want to have to play the game while I'm in college, wont have time.

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I'm still cool about it being delayed or cancelled for the time being unless they officially announced it as 'Cancelled'. Let's wait for TGS and see how it goes.

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