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Gamer dies while playing Diablo 3... Wait, What?

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A Taiwanese man collapsed and died over the weekend after playing Blizzard's Diablo III for 40 straight hours. The Australian Associated Press reported the story, citing the Taiwanese United Daily News as the source of the information.


According to the report, the 18-year-old man entered an Internet café in southern Taiwan around noon on Friday, booked a private room, and played almost two days without stopping to eat. On Sunday morning, an employee of the café entered the room to check on the man and found him resting on a table. Shortly after being roused, the man collapsed and was later pronounced dead at a local hospital.

This is far from the first time a marathon gaming session has ended in tragedy. The AAP reported that another Taiwanese man died in February after a 23-hour gaming jag ended with a heart attack. In 2007, a 30-year-old man collapsed and died in Guangzhou, China, after gaming for three straight days, In 2005, a 28-year-old South Korean man died after a 50-hour gaming session. In 2003, police in Hong Kong cited a six-hour stint playing Diablo II at an Internet café as a contributing factor in a 28-year-old man's death. In 2002, a 24-year-old South Korean man died after 86 uninterrupted hours of gameplay. That same month, a 27-year-old Taiwanese man lasted 32 hours before succumbing to death by exhaustion.

[uPDATE]: Blizzard released the following comment on the news:

"We're saddened to hear this news, and our thoughts are with his family and friends during this difficult time. We don't feel it would be appropriate for us to comment further without knowing all of the circumstances involved.

"While we recognize that it's ultimately up to each individual or their parent or guardian to determine playing habits, we feel that moderation is clearly important, and that a person's day-to-day life should take precedence over any form of entertainment."




Now what the firetruck is wrong with this guy. Who in their right mind would play a game for 40 firetrucking hours straight. This guy obviously was crazy.

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tutti frutti. I read about this yesterday. Though I admit that it's easy to lose yourself in a game, let alone lose what time it is with gaming in general, but I would think that the guy would have noticed his body sending some type of signal to his brain saying its hungry. This more so shows how addiction in general can take a person's life.

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I'm noticing that the cited reports are all in Asia. What makes them think they don't need to eat like the rest of us?


Not only that, but they're all: Korean, Taiwanese, and Chinese. Maybe they had a whole better-than-you complex and went on from there. I might be a huge gamer, but I know when to stop (and eat, even though I don't really eat that much at all).

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someone died of playing diablo in my country? don't you mean big pineapple? well, that is bad, happens many times here.

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It's incidents like this that make me scared to have Asperger's Syndrome. One of the symptoms is to develop a deep fascination or obsession with something you really, really like. I remember when my obsession was Kingdom Hearts. I played KHII three days straight with showering and if my mother hadn't nagged me to eat or drink, I don't know what could have happened. It scares me because I have no control over this symptom. I become hyper focused, immoral and irritational. All I can think of is being around or involved with my obsession and nothing else. Unless someone is there to limit or nag me, I won't be able to control myself. It terrifies me that I can't be of my own mind and that this could be the very outcome of my future. And what's also awful is I have to depend on somebody to take care of me and I'm burdening them by doing so. ): I wish I had the strength to take care of myself but I'm so weak and it frustrates me to no end.

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