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KH3D Anyone else regret spoiling themselves?

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Hmmmm, spoiling oneself is both refreshing and troublesome. You get an early view of the game, as well as take away the surprise from it. What i did was watch only the ending, Which was AWESOME! it was both shocking and epic!!! anyway, i still haven't seen any of the cutscenes from any of the regular worlds example: The Grid, so i have that to look foward to. I just know that the game will be awesome. By the way, Gameinformer and IGN did a good job reviewing the game, but the fan inside me thinks it deserves at least a 9, but i guess every game has it's flaws. I just think reviews are just opinions that one person made.

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Uh...kinda. I know the ending, but that's it. But still...having all of this information inside my mind is too much...I feels like I'm going to explode!


.....RIKU BECOMES A M---(MPPHH)---AXEL GETS A KE--(MMPHHH)...(pant) (pant) (pant) Ok...I think I got my marbles together...(pant)...



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Uh...kinda. I know the ending, but that's it. But still...having all of this information inside my mind is too much...I feels like I'm going to explode!


.....RIKU BECOMES A M---(MPPHH)---AXEL GETS A KE--(MMPHHH)...(pant) (pant) (pant) Ok...I think I got my marbles together...(pant)...




tutti frutti. I just have to say, Firaga96, that is the worst torture for those of us trying to avoid spoilers. Especially for those that have so close until they get the game.


I'm still avoiding spoilers like my life depends on it. The only game I can really say that I spoiled myself for was Coded/Re:Coded, moslty because I wasn't holding my breath in the game being released outside of Japan. Though I find that by avoiding spoilers you get more out of the game.

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tutti frutti. I just have to say, Firaga96, that is the worst torture for those of us trying to avoid spoilers. Especially for those that have so close until they get the game.


I'm still avoiding spoilers like my life depends on it. The only game I can really say that I spoiled myself for was Coded/Re:Coded, moslty because I wasn't holding my breath in the game being released outside of Japan. Though I find that by avoiding spoilers you get more out of the game.


Yeah....it was funny thought, right? Tutti frutti?

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I do kinda regret spoiling myself a little. I'm playing through KH:DDD now and the story just kinda feels like a formality with no surprises. Still fun to play, and the glossary section is a nice refresher, explaining all the in's and out's of the KH lore. I guess i should be used to spoilers now, having to wait 6 MONTHS for a UK release of KH II was a nightmare. I had downloaded and watched every cutscene in English before the game came out. No doubt i'll be doing it again by the time KH III comes out in Japan.

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I watched his walkthrough too, now I just wanna forget the story, but seen as I watched it on mobile were there are no subs and I can't understand japanese it's only 50% spoiled :D

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I spoiled the cutscenes not the gameplay so I'm half spoiled kinda. Do i regret it? NOPE! It was awesome, and the fact that I now get to watch the scenes in English with gameplay in-between will make a big difference. Can't wait for it!

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I did the same, and i regret nothing. I really had no interest in picking up a 3DS, so there's no point in not spoiling myself as soon as it came out in japan.

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I read comments on an article about KH3D and someone had posted spoiler for lulz...




I'm still extremely upset over it, hopefully there's more to the game besides who passes and fails at the MoM

...it'd be relieving to know that there's more to the game besides that. I don't want to the rest of the game to be spoiled though.

Edited by Porphyria336

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