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KH3D Anyone else regret spoiling themselves?

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I watched Cyberman's entire subbed walkthrough, and while it felt awesome at the time, the fact that I have less to look forward too when I get the game saddens me.


Anyone else experience this?


Now that the game is almost out, I feel jealous of people who haven't spoiled themselves.

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I haven't spoiled myself either! well, (SPOILERS) all I saw was the Xemnas fight... but I didn't see any cut scenes (besides trailers and Demos) and I already knew we had to fight him due to the soundtrack (END SPOILERS) I'm really proud I didn't spoil myself like I usually do to most games haha

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I can never control spoiling myself for a Kingdom Hearts game, I'm usually fine with doing so but when the release is around the corner I keep thinking "I shouldn't have done that, but I wouldn't be able to control myself anyway".

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I used to be the queen of spoilers when it comes to Kingdom Hearts, but ever since Birth by Sleep came around, something told me NOT to spoil this game. Ever since then, I've been afraid of KH spoilers.

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Yea of course i spoiled myself and no i dont regret it,cause i doesnt matter to me if i see a spoiler or not, if i dont play the game myself it wont matter to me.

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I remember I spoiled myself with the entire ending of BBS. You'd think a person wouldn't understand much of what's going on since

it is only Japanese ending cutscenes, but I understood the most important point and realized that the theory I had feared was true(MX possessing Terra).


But regarding DDD, I had spoiled myself once and only because I had the cutscenes on my YouTube 'recommended for you' list and the title sorta gave it away. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sleep.png

Even though I don't have a 3DS yet, I do not want to be spoiled.

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the only kingdom hearts game that i really spoiled was birth by sleep ven's story and that was up to when he left the land of departure xD but 3D im proud that i didnt spoil anything cuz i still want that "oh shit wasnt expecting that" feeling, one of the best feelings while playing a new game :D

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Nah... Only read some sentences in posts that I already forgot.

Only watched that awesome opening! And since I'll get the game a little after 31th, I won't even get on here, just to post the poll and boom (:

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Not at all Im not the type to buy a system just for a game even if it is KH. So basically I have spoiled myself on almost all the Handheld games save for BBS although i ended up playing them in one way or another I mostly just want to see the story anyway.

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