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So....Axel.... {SPOILERS INSIDE}

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I can't believe I forgot to do one of these today! D:


Oh, well, here it is: another thread about a KH character who has made an impact in the KH series.


Today's topic: Axel. Got it memorized? HAHAHHAHAHAHA..oh...that joke is 6 years old and still epic.


Yes, Axel, the breakout character from Organization XIII, who has made it his mission to help out our buddy Sora (I mean, Roxas, but really same thing...)


Leave your thoughts as I leave mine...starting............NOW!

Edited by Firaga96

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CoM: Not played (in Europe -.-), but from what I've seen of the cutscenes, just epic.

KH2: Why'd you have to die? ;-;

Days: Wooooow. First time I saw you was in this and you were just amazing. And the Axel/Roxas friendship is cute. :3

BbS: Practically hyperventilated when I saw Lea. Somebodies ftw. Recorded this part and all.

Coded: You'd have made a nice addition to this game if you were actually in it.

DDD: Honestly, my best friend agrees I nearly fainted when I saw you weren't actually dead. xD And the fact you'd come back as a Somebody just completely topped it off. Can't wait to see you in the cutscenes.

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Axel... I don't like him. For one main reason:

He abandoned Isa.


Having been on Isa's end of a situation like that, I really feel for him. But we aren't talking about him right now.


Axel abandoned his best friend as a human, for Roxas and Xion. I don't care if Saix acted radically different from when he was human; they were still friends and Axel still should have been there for him. All the grief he caused Xion could have been avoided, had Axel just invited Saix to join him and Roxas for ice cream.


Speaking of the ice cream, in Birth By Sleep, it was shown that Lea and Isa ate it together. It was their thing. But then, Axel started doing it with Roxas.


One of the worst parts is that Axel seems to be completely oblivious to what he's done. In 358/2 days, one of his journal entries say that Saix has changed too much since they were human, and that Axel doesn't miss their friendship. Way to go.


Also, it appears that Axel has CBD, or Chronic Backstabbing Disorder. Let's make a list of who he's betrayed. Saix (Abandoning him), Xion (Bringing her back against her wishes), Roxas (Letting Xion go and not explaining things to him), Vexen (Murdering him), Zexion (Goading the Riku Replica into murdering him, thus being responsible for his death), and Marluxia (Attacking him). What a nice guy!


I honestly don't understand why he has so many fans.

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Re:/CoM- Ohh~~ I like you more here than I did in 2. You'z a badass. <333


KH2- Cool dude! A tiny bit clingy, but cool. owO


Days- Oh my god, Roxas and Xion reaaallly dragged you down. You were almost better off without um. :'(


BbS- He's so cute! Aw, I love the way you act here, you're almost like a dude I could be friends with IRL. 8DDD


Re:Coded- NA


DDD- TBA/ That's ******* ********, Nomura, wtf did you do. D8<

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Axel/Lea is probably one of the most fleshed out , developed characters in this series. He is very clever, ornery, mischievious, comical , wise and is a total badass. He didnt abandon Isa . Isa drove him away with his cruel treatment of others, his mockery of Axel showing emotions and his overall coldness. Inviting Saix for ice cream WOULDNT have come close to solving their drifting friendship. Isa was a total douche and you think he was the victim ? Please . Have you forgotten he ordered assassinations,was also a traitor, treated Axel like shit for displaying emotions ,and lets not forget his total douchebaggery with Xion and Roxas. If you want to complain about Axel how about keeping it real about Isa/Saix?.. ( or even all the other org members)..He eventually paid the price for his mistakes and tried to make things right by killing himself to save Sora.Also in DDD:



If it wasnt for Lea, Sora wouldve been a vessel.. Lea came in like a total badass and saved the day .




In short , Axel/Lea has been through a lot and came out the better person .


im with Lea on this. hes totally right.

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BBS: Congratulations, you did absolutely nothing.

KH1: He's not even in this one.

CoM: Aw yeah dawg!

Days: I almost cried...

KH2: Stop saying that! Otherwise, awesome!

DDD: Technicallyl, your Lea now, not Axel. Technically, Axel isn't even in this game.

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Axel... I don't like him. For one main reason:

He abandoned Isa.


Having been on Isa's end of a situation like that, I really feel for him. But we aren't talking about him right now.


Axel abandoned his best friend as a human, for Roxas and Xion. I don't care if Saix acted radically different from when he was human; they were still friends and Axel still should have been there for him. All the grief he caused Xion could have been avoided, had Axel just invited Saix to join him and Roxas for ice cream.


Speaking of the ice cream, in Birth By Sleep, it was shown that Lea and Isa ate it together. It was their thing. But then, Axel started doing it with Roxas.


One of the worst parts is that Axel seems to be completely oblivious to what he's done. In 358/2 days, one of his journal entries say that Saix has changed too much since they were human, and that Axel doesn't miss their friendship. Way to go.


Also, it appears that Axel has CBD, or Chronic Backstabbing Disorder. Let's make a list of who he's betrayed. Saix (Abandoning him), Xion (Bringing her back against her wishes), Roxas (Letting Xion go and not explaining things to him), Vexen (Murdering him), Zexion (Goading the Riku Replica into murdering him, thus being responsible for his death), and Marluxia (Attacking him). What a nice guy!


I honestly don't understand why he has so many fans.


I can respect you not liking Axel/Lea, that’s your opinion. But…I think, in your explanation, you are overlooking a few things.


Like, you said Axel shouldn’t have abandoned him just because he wasn’t the same as a Nobody. Well, one thing you’ve got to remember is there’s a big gap between BBS and 358/2 Days, who knows what happened in that time. Maybe something happened that caused their friendship to weaken that we don’t know about.


The ice cream thing…it doesn’t quite seem like it was “their thing” from what I saw in the BBS credits, it looked like they were just kinda standing near where Scrooge was. Lea noticed the ice cream and just bought it. It seemed like an impulse more than a “thing” with them… And even if it was their thing, I don’t think the friendship would’ve been patched up with Saïx if he had invited him for ice cream. I don’t think Saïx would go, in all honesty.


And as for the CBD thing you mentioned. Well, half of those betrayals were orders from Saïx. Before Axel went to C.O., Saïx said that one or more of the members going were rumored to be traitors and to take them out. In order to get Marluxia (one of the traitors) to trust him, he had to kill Vexen; it was also an order. He attacked Marluxia because he was a traitor. Zexion was overkill, I admit though. Xion: Axel was ordered to bring her back numerous times by Saïx and Xemnas. And Axel wanted to tell Roxas about Xion, but he knew it would just confuse him.


From what I’ve watched in 358/2 Days, Saïx was ordering Axel around. And half the time, Axel doesn’t really want to do it, but does anyway. He doesn’t start disobeying him until the middle if not the later part of the game. So he still sticks by there old friendship in that way until he can't take that treatment anymore.


So I’m not sure I entirely understand why you’re siding with Saïx based on the information we have of him…

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I never really fell in love with Axel. I like him and all but i wouldnt say he's one of my favorite characters. I do thnk he is important to the series though.

CoM-He was good as an enemy and i was looking forward ti fighting him more

KH2-Oh no he's good now so i dont get to battle him anymore. :(

BBS-Get owned by a keyblade wielder, Ventus

KHDays-Aww how cute... you care acout your friends

Re:Coded-what... oh your not dead ok whatever

I dont hate him but i dont love him. I do acknowledge him as a main character but still, his story is kinda confusing with him switching from bad to good. imo

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I'll admit, Saix was a total douchebag. Probably one of the most douchey members of the organization. But I still think Axel should have confronted him about it.


From my perspective, Saix, after becoming a nobody, was working towards two things: Overthrowing Xemnas and getting his heart back. After Axel abandoned him, the latter was the only thing he had left. I think he resented Roxas for having been chosen by Axel to be his best friend over him. And in his eyes, Xion wasn't even a real person, and he certanly wasn't going to give her more of a chance once Axel started hanging out with her instead of him.


I just think that Axel, if he valued his friendship with Saix, should have done more.

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I'll admit, Saix was a total douchebag. Probably one of the most douchey members of the organization. But I still think Axel should have confronted him about it.


From my perspective, Saix, after becoming a nobody, was working towards two things: Overthrowing Xemnas and getting his heart back. After Axel abandoned him, the latter was the only thing he had left. I think he resented Roxas for having been chosen by Axel to be his best friend over him. And in his eyes, Xion wasn't even a real person, and he certanly wasn't going to give her more of a chance once Axel started hanging out with her instead of him.


I just think that Axel, if he valued his friendship with Saix, should have done more.



Axel didnt just abandon him .He tried to hang on to both sides as friends .Saix FORCED him to choose . Just sayin' . Have you seen DDD? That might explain more to you .




Saix was a possessed vessel slowly becoming a 'nort" .Nothing wouldve stopped his change .Axel was right when he said it was Saix who changed . In KH3 I think he might find a way to free Saix from MX.Give him a chance.


Edited by Flaming Lea

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CoM~I wonder what that guy is up to http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png


KH2~OMG that was EPIC/Sad way to die http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.png


BBS~So his real name is Lea cool http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png


Days~Aw man that must hurt, your only friends are gone :(


DDD~Everyone in the game= Axel!?

Lea=No it Lea, L-E-A Got it Memorized

lol this happened like a million times in the game

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KHCoM: So, you want Sora to think you're dead, and then you make Repliku kill Vexen? What the heck?

KH2: So, you wanted Roxas to think you're dead, and then help Sora fight Nobodies? And, then you die! Why?!

KHBbS: How come you're the only one who didn't call Sora's name? I'm just glad you're back.

KHD: I didn't know you were so conflicted, Axel. You're amazing though, you beat Xion everytime you fought her. Also, it was nice of you to say bye to Roxas before he left.

KHC: Same as BbS, you're back. And, you'll be saved. Yay!

KHDDD: You were only here for a scene. At least you had one more talk with Roxas. And, do you remember Xion? Roxas does. (I think.)

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