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The chosen ones

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Name: Darklighter

Weapons: ( liberator) darkeness deity

personaity: Angry, quest, sad.

Bio: He thought he was a keyblade master (of his original blade, liberator). He was very wrong. The actual weilder took it and left him for dead. He was forced to embrace the darkness or he we would die. He created his own keyblade and is searching for the liberators new master.

Apperance: Kinda like rikus dark outfit. Black hair, brownish skin. brown eyes.

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(Ummm... dude, did you even read the freaking first post? I highly suggest you do... you must have an element, Fire, Illusion. Dark... Light, are taken... water as well... so, ACTUALLY READ BEFORE YOU FREAKING START POSTING! sorry... but I'm serious about this...)

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(Please, Just wait til tomorrow to join Because Larxene12 made that thread and shes sensitive about the rules so PLEASE... just read the first post before joining... and follow the guidelines...)

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(HEY I AM NO- oh wait I am and yes, if you can please oick another element! ^.^; u dont have to quit but please, just do! and like RoxSox sed, Fire, Light, Dark illusion and water r taken!)


Cristal looked up at him "Okay, you don't feel the same way- I get it..."

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