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The chosen ones

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(Listen! I'm gonna be Dark, even though Hianko took dark, I have an interesting dtory planned and it needs for my character to be Dark!)

Name: Echo

Element: Dark

Bio: His appearance is somehting like this: http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/b/be/SithStalkerArmor-TFUUSE.jpg

Underneath that helmet he has black hair like Xehanorts... and tan skin...

He left his kingdom years ago and has since been all over... every girl he's ever met has fallen for him... and he is 19-20 years of age... Fear him... he is Badass



Echo walked into a bar...

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Echo jumped off his seat and ran towards the door... shouldr rushing through it.... he summoned his weapon... a broadsword akin to Clouds.. (HE IS NOT COMPENSATING FOR SOMEHTING... >=() He put his hnads around it... it tunred into a vehicle thing... he got on it and flew off...

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"Question..If those blades you have are called hidden blades..then why aren't they hidden?" Ariadna asked.


When am cleaning then there see able but when i talk to people or fighting them there hidden it's hard to explain said hydro heres what they look like http://img269.imageshack.us/i/altairvsezio.jpg/

Hydro: And to also i traded away my hidden blades and got twin arrow guns

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Chi was sitting on the ground. She was thinking... about her family. Should she go back? Would they even want her back?

Chi sighed.

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