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J. Severe

KH3D Kingdom Hearts 3D - Game Informer Review

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Wow, first IGN is being nice, and now Game Informer? Looks like Kingdom Hearts is making a comeback in the mainstream way. ;)


IKR when KH3 comes out they are gonna bow down to the awesomeness of it xD

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IKR when KH3 comes out they are gonna bow down to the awesomeness of it xD


tutti frutti.


*IGN's reaction to KH3*




Though I have to say that an 8.5 is a pretty good score for KH3D. I'm kind of curious on how they will react to KH3 when it hits shelves.

Edited by zhill05

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8.25 nice. Can't wait for KH3. Wonder how the review for that will go xD


they will probaly give it a 9 because they will find something wrong with it, like that its not a shooter that IGN seem to like a lot more than anything -__-


but thats a good score for the game the review, ehh, oh well still can't wait for the game to come out

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they will probaly give it a 9 because they will find something wrong with it, like that its not a shooter that IGN seem to like a lot more than anything -__-


but thats a good score for the game the review, ehh, oh well still can't wait for the game to come out


yea i know. I really don't care what IGN rates it. I am buying the KH game anyway :D

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They gave BBS an 8.5...... so I thought they would've given 3D one too :/ What really surprised me was the fact that they didn't bitch about the story being hard to follow like most reviews.... I think they put down the score based solely on the Dream Eater minigames :/

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