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'Extreme' Solar Flare erupts and is heading to Earth for the first time.

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On one hand there will be pretty colors. :D

On the other, technology will be messed up... :wacko:

NOT MY TECHNOLOGY!!!!!!!!!!!! <img data-cke-saved-src="http://kh13.com/foru...smiley-cry.png" src="http://kh13.com/foru...smiley-cry.png" class="bbc_emoticon" alt=":" ('="">


I think the technology that will be affected are things like radios and cellphones. Edited by _The Door To Light_

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Desmond! Hurry the firetruck up!

(Assassin's Creed 3 anyone?)


Still, I'm glad it doesn't sound like it'll do much, otherwise I'd be freaked out beyond belief.




Yeah, it happened yesterday and Sunday early morning.

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Is anyone else thinking of that Nicholas Cage movie "Knowing"? This makes me scared...I'm pretty sure we've had solar flares before, all it does is interfere a bit with technology. Which, in this day and age, could mean the collapse of society as we know it...


Yes, yes it does.

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Solar flares happen all the time. The only real threat they pose is destroying objects in space. Most satellites and spacecraft orbit fairly close to the earth though and will be protected.

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Solar flares happen all the time. The only real threat they pose is destroying objects in space. Most satellites and spacecraft orbit fairly close to the earth though and will be protected.




I know it's not a big deal. All it can do is create power outages and mess with your technology if it strikes on earth. Also create pretty colours in the sky.

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ok uh this is wierding me out. im a little scared here. not cause of the solar flare. but becasue of the sun's life.


The Sun has a couple billion years on it still sooo... you'll be dead before it goes.

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Even if it hits, that's what the Ionosphere is there for, to make sure we don't burn to a crisp.


Also the way thy describe a "Coronal Mass Ejection" as a "violently released bubble of gas" kinda makes it sound like a sun fart.


True, good point, I didn't really thought of that, but I did know we aren't going to be on fire.



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The solar flare will damage our earth's ozone layer which can cause more global warming so it will be a bad thing either way. Only good thing is, you can see the Auroras at night.

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