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King Riku

I may feel a tiny bit bad about this later...

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But, am I the only one that sees an ad saying something like 'Tell Congress "Keep your hands off my health care!" ' and think: No. Tell Congress "Keep your hands off my internet!" '


You aren't the only one, I respond in my head with so called "mean" things as well. Free spech free speech -riotriotriot-

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They're always trying something new...SOPA...PIPA..CISPA...one I can't remember the name of...


Man, seriously. Why does some stupid politicians always have to screw people over over something important in a stupid way?

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Man, seriously. Why does some stupid politicians always have to screw people over over something important in a stupid way?


-pats- I know, I know, they're resting now.

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But, am I the only one that sees an ad saying something like 'Tell Congress "Keep your hands off my health care!" ' and think: No. Tell Congress "Keep your hands off my internet!" '


Again with this...remind me why do people want to live in America so bad...just why.

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Again with this...remind me why do people want to live in America so bad...just why.


Honestly I'm getting out of here as soon as I can..I mean no disrespect but so many things here contradict each other, I don't even have basic rights..

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Honestly I'm getting out of here as soon as I can..I mean no disrespect but so many things here contradict each other, I don't even have basic rights..


I know. Me too, unless things turn around big time and I do mean big time.

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Honestly I'm getting out of here as soon as I can..I mean no disrespect but so many things here contradict each other, I don't even have basic rights..


Exactly how I feel. I can't stand how the U.S. is run. Freedom my ass...

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I think we should just put all congress members in straight jackets and cover their mouths so they can't say or do anything stupid.

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I think we should just put all congress members in straight jackets and cover their mouths so they can't say or do anything stupid.


"It's for their own protection"

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