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Lu Xun

Now that KH3D is almost out there, can you say that it was one of the main reasons why you bought your 3DS?

Now that KH3D is almost out there, can you say that it was one of the main reasons why you bought your 3DS?  

195 members have voted

  1. 1. Now that KH3D is almost out there, can you say that it was one of the main reasons why you bought your 3DS?

    • Yes, of course! It was actually the only reason..
    • Yes, along with other nice games...
    • More or less... I love KH, but I wouldn't buy a console/handheld just to play it.
    • No! I would buy it even if there wasn't KH3D.
    • I can't answer since I don't have a 3DS.
    • Another option? Tell us below!

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Now that KH3D is almost out there, can you say that it was one of the main reasons why you bought your 3DS?


Of course, bro. Cant miss any KH game! Main reason for me buying a 3DS

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When I first heard about this game, I immediately said to myself "I'm getting a 3DS just for this game!". Hopefully, I can the purple one right before the game arrives at my place. It all depends on my dad, unfortunately..

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'Yes, along with other nice games...'


I was going to get a 3DS anyway, just because it looked epic at E3. But if I wasn't planning on getting one, the moment I found out a KH game would be on it I would've got one. I got a PS2 solely for KH1&2, and my best friend recently gave me his PSP (for freeeeeeee) solely because he knew how much I wanted to play BbS.


But other games I want are Animal Crossing 3DS, Harvest Moon: A New Beginning and Professor Layton and the Mask of Miracle.

I have LoZ:OoT3D and it's probably my favourite 3DS game (or one of them).

Edited by Xalaru

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Its the only current reason I'm getting a 3DS after I get about 100 more dollars. I'm hoping if a TWEWY 2 ever comes out it'll come out on the 3DS too, but I haven't really looked into many 3DS games to see if I might want them yet so just KH3D~

So SE is giving Nintendo $170 of my money by taking $55 of my money... Nintendo is probably happy right now.

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Wow I feel sorry for all the people that bought a 3DS just for one game. You guys are totally missing out on all the other great 3DS games like Sonic Generations,, Zelda: ocarina of Time 3D, Super mario 3D land, mario Kart 7, and Kid icarus: Uprising. Seriously, what kind of idiot buys a console just to play one game? To me, that's a waste of money if you're just gonna purchase one game and not buy them all simply because they're "not interesting". If I'm going to buy a console, I would buy it for more than one game and not just for one single game. it's stupid to buy a console all for one game.

Edited by Tails

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I bought it for several games like zelda, mario 3d land, mario kart 7, and kid icarus. BUT THE MAIN REASON I EVEN CONSIDERED GET THE 3DS WAS BECAUSE OF KH3D! but I did buy a psp jsut for bbs, but I got a cheap used 1 for only $100.

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