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I got a glitch once where Hockomonkey's arms wouldn't come out and he got stuck jumping in the same area over and over again for about 15 seconds. Not what you're talking about, but still pretty weird lol

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nope never experience it. I've played the demo 29 times and it never happened, but thanks for the heads up :). Hopefully i won't experience on my last demo :D


there is another demo!?!?!?


it's the first and only demo we can download bro :D

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nope never experience it. I've played the demo 29 times and it never happened, but thanks for the heads up :). Hopefully i won't experience on my last demo :D


it's the first and only demo we can download bro :D


But I don't have that area....

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I got a glitch on the one of the ropes Sora slides on and keeps sliding even after the rope ends. I had to waste that one because of that. He just wouldn't stop sliding.........

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To everyone who said they didn't play the tutorial part of the demo, you really should... xD It's a different area to the main part of the demo and the Ursula battle at the very start is pretty epic looking.


Can't say I'll be trying this glitch though, I don't really have much desire to see Sora impaled on a lamppost. xD

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To everyone who said they didn't play the tutorial part of the demo, you really should... xD It's a different area to the main part of the demo and the Ursula battle at the very start is pretty epic looking.


Can't say I'll be trying this glitch though, I don't really have much desire to see Sora impaled on a lamppost. xD


I did try it, just didn't notice xD

I thought you mean the actual part of the demo.

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