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KH3D DDD Intentionally Rushed to Europe First?

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inb4 "Stop complaining about Europe getting it first we Europes are a proud people etc. etc."


So, this thought came to me right when we first found out about the strange release dates. Could Square Enix cheaped out on translation in order to rush this game to Europe? If so... why? What purpose would that serve?

In dunno, this whole European release date thing seems silly.

(Seriously Square Enix, is it that hard to start localizing when you work on the Japanese version, and give us a universal release date?)

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I really don't know. I think all of us, no matter what country we're in, should quit complaining. Europe gets an 11 day earlier release, same with other countries, while us in NA get MoM. Everyone's got something good, so let's all stop thinking negative!^^

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i agree on the localizing when they are working on the japanese version and on universal release date. I mean look at 13-2 that wasn't too bad in term of localizing time

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That's exactly what I was thinking. I would have minded the release date being a couple of months later if it meant everyone in the European countries could enjoy the game in their language. They didn't need to rush it. On the other hand, I hate having to wait months for the English version of a KH game while trying not to spoil myself.

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  On 7/13/2012 at 6:21 PM, 'ZLGNF' said:

Nintendo probably ordered Square to do that since the latest Nintendo games have been coming out first in Europe...




  On 7/13/2012 at 6:22 PM, 'Joemahon1' said:

can we just drop it for now and just go with Square Enix has its own reasons for doing it because it doesnt concern us what there reasons are just let them be Europes getting the game first enough said


Nah, I agree on rushed translation. This is the first time Europe has gotten a KH game first. (If I'm not mistaken)

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You could say it was rushed, but Squeenix was just trying to please the fans by releasing the game as early as possible overseas, so I guess it was intentional?


Well, they made their choice to release it first In EU so let it be.

They should've translated the other languages though.

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  On 7/13/2012 at 6:26 PM, 'Uncle Dolan' said:



It's not as unlikely as you might think. Nintendo has been pretty ridiculous and controlling about what happens on their consoles in the past. It's entirely possible they've enacted a 'Europe first' policy for some reason.


Also... so many people just complaining about the complaining. Can't we just have a discussion? Yeesh.

Edited by hatok

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Having the game 11 days early it's not so good as having a Mark of Mastery Edition... I would like to get it :(

Edited by mgmkidKH

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i think that square enix just wanted to get kh3d ddd out of the way. i mean cmon they have Final fantasy versus 13 on there hands,and besides i dont think they would have spent there time on translating the game for each country, that would have made the release date for the game longer, it would have made us wait and feel sad,and they have alot on there hands right now. so we really should look at everything this way and stop complaining.

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  On 7/13/2012 at 6:10 PM, 'LightningXIII' said:

I really don't know. I think all of us, no matter what country we're in, should quit complaining. Europe gets an 11 day earlier release, same with other countries, while us in NA get MoM. Everyone's got something good, so let's all stop thinking negative!^^


I agree with this. When it first was announced that NA was going to get the game last I was like "huh? that's different." But I mean we always get the games first...and we're getting the MoM edition (woot!) and even if we didn't should anyone really complain? At least we're getting it in the first place right?

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Yeah, I do think they rushed it out in Europe. Really, I know most people here don't really seem to care, but I am sure the KH fans who are affected by this would much rather have waited longer to get the game in their language. It is no fun playing a game that is in a language that you can't understand.

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  On 7/13/2012 at 6:21 PM, 'ZLGNF' said:

Nintendo probably ordered Square to do that since the latest Nintendo games have been coming out first in Europe...


I noticed that too, especially with the 3DS XL.


  On 7/13/2012 at 6:26 PM, 'Uncle Dolan' said:




Nah, I agree on rushed translation. This is the first time Europe has gotten a KH game first. (If I'm not mistaken)


What I said above. Also, yeah, its the 1st KH game to be released in Europe first.

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I think there was some kind of rush to get it to Europe. The whole translation and distribution issue was a big mess, and only caused an uproar with the Spanish and Italian fans. But then again, there are alot more languages spoken in Europe than those 5; so it'd be tricky pleasing everyone. > > Eh, hopefully Square learns something from this, and is better prepared the next time they want to release a KH game soon after the Japanese one.

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