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I keep hearing people bitch about Final Fantasy VII saying it's boring and has shitass pixelated graphics.


What these morons fail to realize is that this is a game back from the earlier days of console gaming. I'm hearing most of these pathetic morons rant on a 15 year old game on amazon.com and GameFAQ's.


I have the game. There's nothing for bad I can say about it. The only think I would disagree with is that it's graphics totally stand out from other PSOne games.


So what's up with the hate? Not too many people like Final Fantasy VII these days.

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The graphics, for the standarts of back then were pretty good.


People like that think that games of back then suck because they don't have the quality of games nowadays.

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I haven't played the game but I can understand what you mean by this. I like playing older games slightly more than newer ones as to be honest, there is next to no originality these days. Therefore, SNES,NES ect. Period. They want to rant on a game with shitty graphics and horrible concepts?Go hate on CoD or Halo. not an RPG with lots of thought put into it. (SOrry if this is completely off topic, I'mannoyed at people like that too.)

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are there guys serious??? :OOO....FFVII is the best :D...the graphics is fantastic for the time...it a 1997 game for god's sake...what do they pretend?to have 3D games back at the time? :@

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FFVII is the best final fantasy game from far.

I personaly dont live FFX it sucks


And the new graphics of FFVII are kickass so, no complaining about it

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The game was the best by the standards of 1998, which was the year of the game's release, I bought on that exact year and I was 8 years old, and it blew me away, it truly is the best RPG ever, Razorwind Keyblade those who hate on FF VII have not played and RPG on their lives and the are call of duty players and rage quitters, so ignore them.

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for our generations, ffvii is the world's best selling psone game and up-to-date graphics video game on that time..i think most of the haters are new generations that born during the ps2 days


sorry for my bad english

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I haven't played it yet but I heard it's one of the best games in Final Fantasy. I've seen it and it looks like a lot of fun and Cloud is one of my favorite Final Fantasy characters. I just need to find the original game since I think it'd be a really fun game. But I think people should shut up about stuff like that because people who complain about classics are ones that usually don't play games other than Call of Duty. If you just play Call of Duty, you're not a gamer. You play a game. So don't worry about people bashing on Final Fantasy VII, they just don't know what they're saying. Edited by Kingdom Sora

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I believe most of the hate could be accumulating from the fans who are constantly being told: 'FFVII was hell a lot better than ... " by the FFVII fans. It is a constant war, and now a cycling one. Like a spiral of death.


Pretty much. The only reason I hate on FF7 is because of all the fanboys/fangirls who will automatically stand up and curse you out for saying, "This could've been better" or "It wasn't the best in the series." Seriously, it was good, but not the best. The game had a lot of good content cut out of it. The finished game itself was incomplete.


Don't believe me? Read some of the above comments.

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Screw sephiroth and all hail Kefka. lol.


I think it needs to be remade with awesome graphics...I've never actually played the game, but whenever you look at good current graphics, its hard to go back. That's the only real reason I could think of for hate.


Apparently, Nomura says: "The new Final Fantasy must overcome the Final Fantasy of the past.” So, they admit that their newer games aren't as good...

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I keep hearing people bitch about Final Fantasy VII saying it's boring and has shitass pixelated graphics.


What these morons fail to realize is that this is a game back from the earlier days of console gaming. I'm hearing most of these pathetic morons rant on a 15 year old game on amazon.com and GameFAQ's.


I have the game. There's nothing for bad I can say about it. The only think I would disagree with is that it's graphics totally stand out from other PSOne games.


So what's up with the hate? Not too many people like Final Fantasy VII these days.



I don't hate the game, what I do dislike is the people crying for a remake in HD. I don't think it was such an amazing game that it deserves a remake.

And I agree with the guy from Square who said to make a remake of VII would mean that the FF series as a whole would be over. And I don't want them to stop. But if KH would replace it I would be ok with that :P

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I've always harbored a dislike towards VII, though I'm more than willing to confess that this dislike is mostly irrational. I can respect the game as a milestone in development, but even still, it has multiple shortcomings and flaws that make it at most a B grade in my book.

Edited by Dave

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FFX sucks?

Hang on a second while I go grab my shotgun.


Yup FFX sucks hard...

Sure kill yourself, ill just watch

*3d glasses

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.....opinions, everyone. Opinions. Not everyone in the world is going to like the exact same thing, video games included. For example, I'm personally not a fan of FFVII. I don't hate it, but no matter how hard I tried, I just simply couldn't get into it. Does that make me a "pathetic moron" as you put it?


Regardless of if someone agrees with you or not, or whether you like what they have to say or not, you have to respect that they have their own opinion.

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I love VII, but I honestly prefer Crisis core and Advent Children Complete :)


I believe most of the hate could be accumulating from the fans who are constantly being told: 'FFVII was hell a lot better than ... " by the FFVII fans. It is a constant war, and now a cycling one. Like a spiral of death.


That's a good point. Everyone is always arguing about the best FF game. They all have their good and bad points, so just worry about your own opinions. Arguing wont make a difference cause everyone has their own opinion nonetheless!

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Final Fantasy 7 is the best game in the entire Final Fantasy series. It has probably the best/deepest story line out of almost any other game that is out today (aside from KH....duh.) I'm sure if the people ranting about FF7 actually play it and have the fear of Sephiroth bashed in them, then they will know just how awesome FF7 is.

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