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Childhood Secret (Very Serious)

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I feel like if you're going to offer thanks to God, you should be offering some to the doctors that saved you. Considering God would have had to use them as a means to save you.

That's an amazing story, BTW. I'm glad things worked out. Just goes to show that there's hope, no matter what.

And it's good to know you appreciate what happened to you. I hope you have a long and happy life.

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I feel like if you're going to offer thanks to God, you should be offering some to the doctors that saved you. Considering God would have had to use them as a means to save you.

That's an amazing story, BTW. I'm glad things worked out. Just goes to show that there's hope, no matter what.

And it's good to know you appreciate what happened to you. I hope you have a long and happy life.


I will like this when my quota is over.

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but the doctors saved him, God had nothing to do with this lmao.


Let me rephrase that stament: I thank God AND my doctor and good friend Dr. Cook for helping me .

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but the doctors saved him, God had nothing to do with this lmao.


Well, that's your opinion. Mine is that God was guiding the hands of the doctors who helped him, but I'm not gonna force it on you.



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Well, that's your opinion. Mine is that God was guiding the hands of the doctors who helped him, but I'm not gonna force it on you.





I'll leave mine also here.

I believe with the help of science that the doctors helped this guy as a boy.


I don't believe god guided the doctors into helping this kid.


I prefer the doctors getting 100% credit for this.

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That is awesome that you were able to overcome that. I can kind of sympathize with you, because I was born two months early, I was really small and not fully developed, I have very mild cerebral palsy, I have ADD, and I am legally blind in my right eye. But I was able to overcome all that too, because I get straight A's in school, I am on a swim team, and I play the violin.

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I don't believe god guided the doctors into helping this kid.


Well, I do. I'll respect your belief though, if you respect mine. I don't want to start any fights here. If you wanna discuss this, then take it to the chat bar and I'd be happy to talk with you about it. Edited by jamesrob12

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That's great for you to overcome this.

It seems like a scary problem.


Just don't call it mentally awesome, it's albiest, and some members take that offensively.


Shana, mental retardation is a real medical condition. People can be diagnosed by a doctor as metally awesome or half-mentally awesome. One of the girls at my high school was diagnosed with half-mental retardation. If I called you a retard when I clearly know that you're not, that would be ableist. If you had the real medical condition, it would not be ableist.


Good for you, Firaga! Guess you're a lucky guy!

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Shana, mental retardation is a real medical condition. People can be diagnosed by a doctor as metally awesome or half-mentally awesome. One of the girls at my high school was diagnosed with half-mental retardation. If I called you a retard when I clearly know that you're not, that would be ableist. If you had the real medical condition, it would not be ableist.


Good for you, Firaga! Guess you're a lucky guy!


I got a little confused x-x

thank woo~

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The thing or people that guided you never gave up and neither did you. It's nice to know you're well and living a good life. I hope this continues for you in the future and are always blessed with love and good fortune :)

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Not cool, a person can believe whatever they want. I'm not a religious man, but I know it's important to respect other people's views. As far as he's concerned, God had a role in his recovery, and you have no right to say otherwise.


Sometime hatok's words are just so full of wisdom and truth that it deserves to be liked 100 times. And this is one of those times.

Edited by Winner's Proof

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I've got a similar story.


My little brother almost died of an asthma attack on Easter two months after he was born. I woke up to my mom's screams on Easter Sunday and heard police cars and ambulances outside. Being only seven and it being 5 am, I somehow slept through most of the incident up until the cars pulled away. I went to my aunt who was visiting in the guest room and asked what happened and she told me. I spent the rest of the night sleeping with my other then four year old brother, hoping the little one would get better.


I was very lucky my dad was late to work that day. He woke up late and had to take a shower when he heard my mom scream after my brother's skin turned blue. My dad rushed out and helped, and luckily he was a respiratory therapist and children were his specialty. We were lucky that the police came so soon. They came back to the house around 9 am and my brother was much better. He was always sickly as a kid, and I helped with his inhaler when he was young.


I'm so lucky that he survived such an unpredictable and horrifying ordeal. Now he's 11 and runs around playing baseball and video games. His asthma went away as he got older, but he relapsed this year. He's on medication to treat it and is doing great. I'm so lucky that he survived- I was the one to name him when he was born and I would have been crushed if he hadn't made it.


So I know how you feel and I wish you the most luck in the future. I'm so glad that you too were able to overcome such a horrible ordeal and be so positive about it. I won't comment about religion, fate, or anything like that, but we're fortunate to still have you both.

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So, as it turns out, the exact description of this is "brain seizures".


Like I said, the umbilical cord wrapped around me did some things, and apparently it was doing damage to my mind.


My mom told me when I blanked out, I thought I was seeing "monsters" when everything was black.


Of course, I don't remember this, but still, it sounds really scary for a 2 year old. 

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There was a "blue" kid in my elementary school.


And of course, every kid in school had to mock, and bully him.


I felt bad for him, but what could I do? I was the ultimate black sheep in school.

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