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Razorwind Keyblade

What is your opinion on anime?

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one if he hates anime then wah go look up hentia you'll hate it more and his opion about anime is his he doesn't need to make a vidoe of it for the whole world to see the justinbeiber fan boy vidoe was ok cus people are now rebeling on his music so yeah he made it worst but this oh no :angry:

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Wow Razorwind...you sure like to listen to other people's opinion's.....


Nah. I just like to humiliate people who say not so smart things like this kid. I posted this on several other forums because I expected certain posts like this.


Lol "The cartoons are from Japan, so China makes them up". This kid is

really... how do I say this in a rated G way? Not so smart. Yeah.

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lol that guy doesn't make any sense:

1. He mixes up China and Japan

2. Says that anime's animations and quality are horrible. What potato (overused joke) did he use to watch them

3. He says that story doesn't make any sense. You don't need to be very clever to understand series with simple storyline as Naruto.

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Slow framed?


Dialogue's horrible? (Although I have to say that the villain's monologues are a bit repetitive.)


Has this guy even researched about Anime to do a video like this?

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Slow framed?


Dialogue's horrible? (Although I have to say that the villain's monologues are a bit repetitive.)


Has this guy even researched about Anime to do a video like this?


apparently not


i atleast watched a couple of episodes of Naruto, I didn't like it.

Yeah I couldn't continue watching it.


Also this guy taught me,


Chinese people from China live in Japan.

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apparently not


i atleast watched a couple of episodes of Naruto, I didn't like it.

Yeah I couldn't continue watching it.


I kinda have to agree with that.


The content of lame puns in the original Naruto is out of this world.

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i put this in the comments lol

cartoons WERE good but have u seen the shit they been putting up on CN for what 7 years maybe more? oh and here the most easiest thing u can tell chinese live in china and japanese live in japan

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