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Razorwind Keyblade

Why Naruto is better than Dbz

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Why DBZ is better than Naruto (in a awesome fanboy point of view):


1 - Goku never gives up;

2 - His power is very powerfull (what... the hell...)

3 - He has more hair;

4 - He always believes he'll win;

5 - He died for people he loves and the world.


Well... After seeing this, we can say that basically, Naruto = DBZ = more than a half shounens we have out there...

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I think they're both great. :/


DAMN THE FIRETRUCKING QUOTA TO HELL!!!!!!! ahvoirvnwerlkwefnewlfkjfclewfkdjflksfklfkfdnvavlkevnflk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11


Hey, bro, I'll like this later.


firetruck you


You're going to have to be more specific. WHO ARE YOU TALKING TO?

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