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Kingdom Hearts: The Return of Darkness(sign ups)

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Name: Xtryon

Somebody Name: Tyron

Age: 36

Gender: Male

Weapon: Dual Laser Blades

Ability: Control over darkness in people's hearts.

Appearance: A tall silver haired man wearing a black coat with pointy ears and golden eyes.

Bio: Xtryon is the nobody of Tyron. Tyron discarded his heart to the darkness and as a result he became a nobody known as Xtryon. Xtryon has an interest in Thomas's darkness and he plans to have that darkness consume Thomas's heart. Xtryon is one of the Eternal Nine.




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Character Sheet for Keyblade Hunters

Name: Jack Write A.K.A. Horvath

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Weapon: Posted Image

Personality: willing to kill anyone who gets in the way of his mission to destroy all wielders, cold hearted, destructive

Appearance: Posted Image(Minus the sword in his hand)

Bio: He was born on Radiant Gardens, when he turned 16, he fled his world to pursue true power and found it in the darkness with his master Morgana, at the hands of Sora, he lost his master, he has since become a Keyblade Hunter, vowing revenge on all who wield the powerful weapon, he is an expert in magic, especially dark magic.


Jack Write

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Name: Thomas Sherion

Age: 13

Gender: Male

Keyblade: Guardian Soul

Master: Ventus

Personality: Kind, Energetic, Upbeat, Cocky, Solem and Confident

Appearance: Tall white boy with blue eyes and long black hair wearing a black shirt and black pants green gloves and a pair black shoes.

Bio: Thomas Sherion is a keyblade wielder who is an apprentice to Master Ventus he wishes to travel to many worlds when he becomes a keyblade master.



Thomas Sherion


Finally. I have another Apprentice.

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I'm closing ventus' pupils sign ups because I'm going to be the third pupil


And does anyone want to be aqua?


And I'm going to be riku

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I'll be Aqua.


no, please

*breaks down into tears*


I thought it would be fitting if Kaiso were Aqua, but she won't be a part of this RP haha.

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If nobody wants to be Aqua, I can.


I could be Aqua if you're willing to pass up the opportunity.



update the pupils and E9 section so we know who's who.

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Character Sheet for Pupils:

Name: Zaiz

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Keyblade: Azure Rize

Master: Sora

Personality: Kind, calm

Appearance: http://axizz.deviantart.com/#/d574zzp

Bio: none to this moment...


Character Sheet for Keyblade Hunters

Name: Seth

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Weapon: Sword

Personality: Calm, determined, yet can be nice.

Appearance: http://axizz.deviantart.com/#/d574zzp

Bio: No info at this moment


Character Sheet for Eternal Nine

Name: Zaxiz

Somebody Name: Zaiz

Age: ???

Gender: Male

Weapon: Falling Vermillion

Ability: Strongest of all nobodies

Appearance: Zaiz's face, greyish-black hair, cloak.

Bio: none to this moment.


I'll be Sora, if anyone is interested. xD



Edited by Aziz

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