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KH2 Best acssesoris and armor/Why is radient garden is trolling me(FM)

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Well i had 2 theards to open so i just put them in one.


Im playing english patched final mix on Critical mode.


1.What is the best acssesoris and armor for KH II and Final mix.

cause the org data battles kicking my ass , well excecpt marluxia,vexen,xemnas,saix,lexasus,zexion-though he tricky(they are easy)

I think the rest is just badass , well larxene killing me right on the beggining with her thunder . even if i use reflega still my fate is to die in the beggining it just killing me(well i haven't earned yet the second chance ability only once more that is for combos not single attack)


Actually i think Xaldin and the rest are pretty harder than Sepiroth , everyone is like be 99 and beat sepiroth , I beated Sepiroth on level 40-50( i cant remember) you just need to block his attack with sqaure then punch him with the keyblade then block him again , untill 4-5 bars is down , then its a little bit more tricky cause you need to escape his fire attack and then he had the attack when he fly and decrease all your hp but all you gotta do is to punchhim one time and the attck his over . to one and block his fast attack with triangle , but i still beated him using only potions and trinity limit in 40-50 level(with ultima i finished the game on low level)


Now im 75 level with better acssesoris and can't beat the org data , and im using magics and final form.




2.Why is radient garden trolling me?

I started playing KH II again because two things

Wanted to try Final Mix

Complete the game 100 %


I finished the puzzels and stuff , THEN I decided to find all treasures

I did it every world that i go i going into the journal and i see a mickey sign by it.

My last treasure i didn;t find was in radient garden(Cavren of remembernace)

and i found it , when im going to the journal i saw i found all the treasures in all the world,

but i doesn't have a sign of mickey right next to it in radient garden journal even though when im entering it i can see i found all the treasure ..


(I WIll upload some pics soon)

Edited by LiavGever

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2.Why is radient garden trolling me?

I started playing KH II again because two things

Wanted to try Final Mix

Complete the game 100 %


I finished the puzzels and stuff , THEN I decided to find all treasures

I did it every world that i go i going into the journal and i see a mickey sign by it.

My last treasure i didn;t find was in radient garden(Cavren of remembernace)

and i found it , when im going to the journal i saw i found all the treasures in all the world,

but i doesn't have a sign of mickey right next to it in radient garden journal even though when im entering it i can see i found all the treasure ..


(I WIll upload some pics soon)

It's because of the patch, it's still glitchy...

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It's because of the patch, it's still glitchy...


NO way im getting it complete huh /:

i THINK he stopeed working on the patch a long ago.

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have you beaten all org XIII, after that there will be one I belive last treasure chest


He's right!This treasure don't appear because you don't beat all of them.Defeat everyone of Org.XIII data and it will appear.

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