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Kojuro looked through the crowds, when he spotted a directory map. "Maybe this will help." he quickly strafed torward the Directory. "Lets see.." as he looked through it, some elves could see him as someone suspicious, and humans see him as dangerous.

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Olivier still sat in the oversized chair, her fingers steepled in fron of her chest. She hadn't moved form that position since the humans were led to their temporary chambers. "My lady." Her thoughts were interrupted by one of the comars... Jacob, she thought. It was always so hard to remember new staff. "It is daybreak. Perhaps you should retire fo-"


"I am fine." The Dominus interrupted. "Thank you." She added politely. She had no need for daysleep right now; maybe not even for the next few days. Olivier turned her attention to the new servant, who's immediate reaction telegraphed nothing short of discomfort. "You come from the House of St. Germain, correct?"


"Y- yes, my lady." He stuttered. The comar shifted ever-so slightly form one foot to the other. He was looking past her, but whether he was doing so out of respect or fear was uncertain.


"Look... over here." Olivier guided the man's face directly in front of hers, close enough so that he would have no where else to look. It was almost as if his eyes were fighting her. "What is it that you're afraid to see? What compells your aversion?"


"Y- I... my lady, nothing-" She tightened her grip, squeezing in on the comar's cheeks. She didn't wish to hurt the poor man. Only assert her position. "I can see it, my lady." Olivier released him, the comar stumbling back a few steps.


"I would imagine so." Her right arm shifted a little on the chair's armrest, settling down in a comfortable position. "St. Germain has proven to be a valuable experience for you..."


"Allen." The comar finished. Damn.


"Thank you, Allen. You are dismissed." She waved him away with a little flipping motion of her fingers, the servant retreating across the chamber. Olivier allowed her eyes to drift across the bookshelves, stopping at the first of the stained glass windows. Light was pouring in now, its rainbow shadow stretching across the room. She had always loved these windows; that's why she had them moved here from a castle in Central Europe before it was demolished, destroyed by the vampires that it was errected to eradicate. They showed the legends of the vampires, as told by human eyes: the slaying of William the Just, the still-beating heart of the vampire Janos Audron being torn from its owner's chest, and so on. These portraits, like the manor in which they reside, are vampiric history in a world that has moved on. And in a way, Olivier mused, perhaps the world has moved on without her as well. She leaned back more in her chair, the heat of the fire behind her barely touching the back of her neck.


She would wait and see why Caius had sent these humans to her, although she already had a good idea of the reason. After all, it was her duty as Dominus to know how the gears in her House turned.

Edited by AnsemTheWise

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"So, Catrte, open the door and see if someone can guide you to the Vampire-lady, I don't want to run into any guards while I'm out there. Oh, and put on the necklace and the ring first.

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Carte put on the trinkets and looked like Julian. "This is so cool..." he said in awe, "I know of barbarian mages who can turn into animals, but never turn into humans." He walked out the door. Carte headed out the door. "I'll see if I can find someone," he said.

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shadows slowly wrapped around Carte forming Julian's body around Carte. It would feel so real that Carte could even feel all of Shadowfallen's scars .

Slowly a body manifested next to him, that looked like Carte, it followed him around but always looked down and didn't say a word.

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-I hope he can act like me...-

Shadowfallen slowly slithered out of the room covered in darkness while Carte opened the door.

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Kojuro looked through the crowd, aiming his eye's torward a building. "Time I end these charades." He quickly walked into the main building, seeing human body guards and Elven citizens collecting some packages. One human guard saw him walk in, and walked over. "Identification." the human demanded. "Karuma." Kojuro spoke those words, in which the human grabbed a gun and aimed, only to have it cut in half. "ENE-" where the humans final words, Kojuro's blade slicing him clean in half. The rest of the guards secured the civilians, and right before the guard got to the alarm, Kojuro threw his sword, stabbing and disabling the switch, including the man's hand. Kojuro then threw his cloak into the air, which made it seem like he had jumped, making the humans fire at the cloak. He received his sword and decapitated all the guards, leaving the elven citizens unharmed. "Get out now." He spoke, letting them go. He looked into the main door, then cut it down, revealing a long hallway, in which he began to slowly walk down.

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The golden woman, Anna, met Carte in the hallway. "Yes, lord Shadowfallen. I will bring you to her ladyship. This way, please." The commar'e gestured graciously for the deciever to follow, her golden locks swaying with each step as she led him back to the audience chamber. The doors opened by themselves, the commar'e bowing as Carte stepped into the hall. The doors closed behind him, grazing the doppleganger. Cascading rays of rainbow light lit the way to Olivier's throne at the far end of the room, the vampiress unmoved since the last time Carte had been in the room.


"You requested an audience?" Olivier's voice was sharp and clear, as if it were directly aimed at carte. "I assume this is related to Caius' request."

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"Your gratitude is hardly necessary." Olivier drummed her fingers on the armrest in one swift motion. "House Tepes always strives to provide its guests with anything that they desire. However, I believe that we have business to attend to, Mr. Shadowfallen." As Olivier finished the statement, she realized that she was drumming her fingers again. For some reason she had been so restless recently. Or, possibly, it may be getting restless. Either way, something wasn't right here.

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Carte flinched. 'Buisness?' he thought, 'Quick, make something up!' Keeping a poker face, he said, "Ah, yes buisness, you're right. After all, I didn't come here just to chat."

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The drumming stopped, the antique wood crunching under her iron grip. Why did she go through the trouble of defending humans again?


"Julian Shadowfallen, I will have you know that the duties of a Dominus are very time-consuming, and that I have sacrificed my time for this meeting. If you do not have business with me, for Caius or otherwise, I would ask that you leave me to my duties." Olivier could feel power coursing through her body, gripping every square inch of her. It squeezed, eager to sink its talons into her flesh. She hadn't been properly angry in ages, and it wasn't until now that she remembered why. This feeling that threatened to overtake her was enough to drive the most collected vampire into madness.

Edited by AnsemTheWise

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Carte smiled a friendly smile, but on the inside he was getting scared. "I would never dream of wasting your ladyship's time," he said, "A thousand pardons, my lady."

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Julian was sitting already in his spot, aiming at the Lady.

-Ok... I have to act before this escalates... I hope Carte did his job right and there's really no double...-

He inhaled, closing his eyes, as he opened his right one again, a black flame in the shape of a hair cross appeared before it.

"Shadow bullet... type butcher..." He mumbled.

Then, like it would have always been there his finger moved down the gun and he pulled the trigger.

After the black bullet passed the hole it started expanding, and it looked like the blade of a butcher's knife. It didn't make a sound and it had no aura... it would be impossible to sense it, even for a vampire.

As it hit the shoulder of the Lady it seemed like time itself would have stopped.

Julian saw everything in slow motion in his right, while in normal speed in his left eye, he savored the moment the shadow bullet hit the bone, but then he snapped out of his thinking.

"Carte now!"

He shouted from his position.

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At the same moment cracks appeared at the position Shadowfallen was and soon his foot showed up crushing through the wall leaving a hole big enough to fit through. The Assassin jumped down and summoned a scythe out of shadows while he was holding his rifle in the other hand, the aiming shadow around his eye still activated.

As soon as he landed he started sprinting to the direction where the arm should drop.

-Nice timing, Carte.- he thought.

-Now it all depends on our luck....-

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On the shadow bullet's impact, a blue flame erupted from Olivier's right arm, the piercing screams of ten thousand tortured souls shaking books from the shelves. The flame concentrated in microseconds, solidifying into the form of a twisted blade. It sliced through Carte's spell, the screaming blade absorbing the fireball. Olivier turned to attack Julian, freezing as a sharp pain racked her body. She lurched forward, glimpsing the twisted steel blade that ran through her chest. It looked just like-


Caius let out a fit of shrill laughter, kicking back Julian as the shadowmancer reached Olivier. He dropped a stone tablet onto the floor next to Olivier, its visage familiar: it was the glyph that he had given Julian. "You always were a sucker for hospitality, Vie." He twisted the blade, the vampiress screaming with the same intensity of her wraith blade. "I know what you're thinking. What could cause this much pain? What weapon would be able to do this to a creature like us?" He pulled the sword out slowly, her blood running up the blade, absorbed into the skull effigy the comprised its hilt. She let out a sharp gasp as the sword was removed from her back, the wounds already closing. Caius took a step back, pointing the blade to Carte. "Thanks, human. Your kind make my job so much easier. Of course, if you made the hit the first time you were here I probably wouldn't need to intervene." Olivier pulled herself up, sitting back against the throne. He had carefully avoided her heart; Caius wanted her to suffer.


"What... what do you want?" She asked with a hiss. She could feel the wraith blade pouring into her, trying to sustain its host. Caius knelt down, taking her face into his hand.


"You know exactly what I want. I want the Heart of Darkness..." he tapped her chest, but his eyes drifted to her arm. "And the Reaver." Caius moved his head to the side, avoiding a stream of blood that Olivier spit at him. "Sorry, babe. That spell won't work on me. I know all of your little tricks, Vie." He patted her cheek before slapping her hard enough to draw blood once more. "Tell me where the Heart is. It wasn't at St. Germain, so it would seem that House Tepes would be the next choice for... safe storage. I just-"


"You'll never be able to use the Heart." Olivier hissed, the swelling in her face already gone. Her chest was almost completely healed by now. "I'm giving you one more chance to get the hell out of my house." Caius laughed again, digging two of his fingers into her still-open wound.


"I wouldn't count on your little Nothos pets coming to your rescue. Those hellhounds are just too damn repulsive." He looked up, as if in thought. "Actually, I'm rather surprised you can't whiff the brimstone in here. I've gotta congratulate you on that." Caius pulled back, Olivier's wraith blade howling as it hurried to aid its host. She took shallow breaths, her head leaning back onto the throne. But her pain was the last thing on her mind right now. A vortex was opening above them, shadowy forms already clawing their way through. The stench of brimstone floodd the room as dark being crashed through the vortex, the floodgates open. In seconds, the audience chamber was a whirlpool of darkness as the creatures swarmed Olivier, tearing into her flesh. "With every tear, you heal a little less, don't you?" Caius placed both hands atop his Reaver's hilt, the point of the twisted edge planted in the stone floor. "Don't worry, Vie. It'll all be over soon."


"You're right. It... will." Olivier could feel her blood boiling, the reaction visible in the streams of crimson and black that ran down her body. "Shadowmancer... mage... get out of here." The blue flame intensified slightly, the wraith blade barely materializing. "Run. I will... hold them off." One of the creatures bit into her bloodied arm, the hellspawn whithering before falling to the ground, dead. "House Tepes... will hold nothing against... your involvement." One of the blood streams spiked through a dozen of the hellspawn, the victims whithering in a similar fashion to their now-deceased ally. "Go... NOW!"

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"I can't leave a lady to fend off...creatures by herself said Carte, pulling out his staff and walking towards the monsters and shooting a fire ball at them. "The headmaster said it was rude."

Edited by NightfallXIII

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Julian pulled Carte at his shoulder.

"And my headmaster always said, firstly think of your life, then on the contract, and never feel pity for those who are destined to die."

He sighed. "Looks like I won't get my payment that soon...."

He started walking faster pulling Carte behind him, he was not stressed nor excited, it seemed like this was a everyday situation for Shadowfallen. Leaving behind what wasn't his business he left the Mansion with carte tight in his grip.

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"Settle yourslef, mage." Olivier's voice was booming now, blood spikes lancing out randomly in all directions. The creatures closer to her began to swell, bursting in a shower of black blood. "Should you stay, my spell would kill you as well." The smell of contaminated blood began to fill the manor as the creatures began to burst in groups. "And shadowmancer... thank you for saving him. I see... House Paole was right in... the Academy..."


Caius stood over Olivier and the dying hellspawn, glancing back to Julian and Carte indifferently. "Sorry, humans. I'll get back to you later."

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Kojuro slowly walked through the hallway, feeling the darkness overwhelm the light at the end of where he entered from. As he continued on, vampires slowly began to come out of the corners of shadows, as well as a few hell hounds. "looks like she's close.." He held his sword in hand, his eye's stead forward.

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Shadowfallen smirked to Caius.

"Even through I would love to see you again soon.... there is other business to care about" Julian had to think about the Looner's mission. "You are none of my business, undead..." THen he turned to Carte "This is one of the first mission I allowed myself to fail, I don't want to put our lives on the line as well, now hurry, there isn't much time." As he pulled Carte behind him he had to turn his head and smiled at Olivier, it was a nice warm smile and not a sadistic grin.

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