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KH3D Kingdom Hearts 3d Wall scroll now available for Pre-order

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Lol. Not for that much money. I could save that money to put it towards the next console KH is released on, seeing as SE have a bad track record of staying on one console for longer than they deem necessary... Still looks epic though. Maybe for Christmas.

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I'd buy it but........... Square Enix and their stores are pretty lame because you have to be living in a certain country. The Square Enix - Boutique requires you to live in France or Belgium and their UK store doesn't ship to Ireland (and they responded to an email of mine saying that they apologise for that but still.. neh).


It's all fine and good for people who can buy from them but I constantly miss out on these things because of Square's poor online store methods of shipping. I really want to buy these wall scrolls but I have to go through Play-asia to do so and they have no idea when they are going to be back in stock :(


€25 is not at all that expensive for me and I'd gladly give them my money but clearly they don't want it, oh well your loss SE xD


....oh uh back on topic, awesome scrolls and stuff! :DD....

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