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A mystery

KHCoM Premium cards

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Premium Cards are one time use only cards. Basically after you use a Premium

once in battle it will not come back the next time you reload. The only way

to recover Premiums is to use an item card that reloads all of your cards.


So if it's one time use only why bother?


Hmm good point. Well there are several advantages to using Premium cards.

First Premium cards cost significantly less CP so obviously they take up

less room in your deck. The second reason they are so great are for sleights.


Remember that in a sleight the first card used in that sleight is marked as

un-reloadable? Well, why not use a Premium card? Premium cards do great as

sleight starters because they cost less and save your other non-premium cards

for later. Also if you use a premium card later in a sleight it is NOT marked

as un-reloadable. So even a sleight with 3 Premiums will only lose one card.


So how does this apply to my deck?


The greatest use of Premium cards is in magic sleights. Think; you normally

use 3 magic cards in combination automatically to make your magics cards

more powerful. So by using Premium cards you can have a huge number of Cure

and Cloud cards and hardly use any CP. Doesn't that just make you warm and

tingly inside


Thank you for your help. :) Now I can rearrange my deck of cards based on this information. This game is all about strategy, isn't it?

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I was wondering what makes a premium card "premium"? I have a couple of these cards, but they don't seem to do anything special. :huh: What is their purpose?


a premium card has lower cp cost BUT you can only use it once in your deck so if u reload it wont be there which is why i HATE premium cards.

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