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The Bosses That Took FOREVER

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I've mentioned in other topics that beating Vexen in Twilight Town (Re:COM) was a huge pain in the ass for me, and took me at least 20 times until I got through it. Now I ask....Is there a boss in COM or Re:COM that took you FOREVER to beat? What about in other KH games? Leave your stories below.

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I have 4 evil bosses who took forever!

1) Vexen- Re: Chain of Memories. I can go through the whole game, no deaths, till I get to his second fight in Twilight Town. "Come to me Ice Blade!" Screw you!


2) Xigbar- KH2. He used to spam his desperation, over and over and over. "Yeah. Now we're talking!"


3) Dragon Maleficent- KH1. Her fire attacks kept getting me. I could only beat her with Tinker Bell. "This is it! This power! Darkness! The true darkness!"


4) Saix- KH2. Berserk mode. Nuff said. "Can you fell it? The moon's power!"

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Riku. Not in Destiny Islands, Hollow Bastion. Second encounter.

Vexen was a COMPLETE asshole.

Marluxia was a bit better but he was a bitch to beat.

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Xaldin, Demyx, and Sephiroth, but especially Xaldin. Also that ruler of the skies heartless in Days, and as pathetic as it sounds of late I've been having a hard time with Xion in mission mode :P In KH1 I would also have to say Riku in Hollow Bastion now I have the cutscene right before the battle drilled into my memory. For Re:CoM I remember Larxene being really frustrating but I don't think she took forever. So yeaaa.

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demyx in hollow bastion first play through of the game i swear no other major boss battle has ever annoyed me so much in my life i lost count of the amount of times i took to beat him

Phantom in kh1 to this day remains unbeaten even at level 100 i guess i just never bring enough mega elixirs and stuff dam thing always gets me after i get him 2 bars down

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VEXEN!!!! I hate him to hell. He took me atleast 12 times to beat him, he pissed me off so much thats why i am hate him now.



Riku in hallow bastion 2nd encounter- dont get me started

Unknown in BBS- god, a month maybe

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XIGBAR (KHII) was an absolute pain in the ass, worse than Demyx and Xaldin for me.

RULER OF THE SKIES (KHDays) took an eternity to defeat.

ANTI-SORA (Neverland) (KHI) hit quite hard. Also to mention the fact that I didn't have Second Chance at the time.

MALEFICENT (Dragon) (KHI) I could only defeat her using the Aero + Tinker Bell combo.


Well, it's 6 in the morning, and I'm in hospital, I think that will do for now, I'll add more later when I remember the ones that gave me a hard time.

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Does Unknown from BbS count? If not, I would say... well, they all are pretty easy. =P The problem when I fought Unknown is that my level was very low (I guess 50 or 60 something), and I still beat him, after dying something like 50 times. xP

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Leechgrave- took me weeks of continuous playing.

Xaldin- first kh2 boss to ever kill me when I played the first time around.

Repliku- never beat him. Lost recom after I decided to take a break.

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Terra's Lingering Sentiment from KH2 FM! Even at level 99 I still had to do extra stuff to beat him (strength/defense buffs). Also Xehanort's armor from BBS final mix. Eraqus' armor was a joke but Xehanort (shivers) every time I hear that theme song I think of death:(


Finally beat him with Aqua (and only Aqua) though!

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Still haven't beaten Marluxia (MY L BUTTON BROKE!!!!!!)


Never beaten Sephiroth


Vanitas Remnant. The only way I beat him was using tornado like 6 times. (Still dont know how to with Terra or Aqua)


Mysterious Figure (There's a reason the intitials for it are MF!)

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